followthesun wrote:Hi angelfern,angelfern wrote:I'm going on 19 to 25 Dec for my sis's levator & eyelids at Dr Jong. Anybody thinks that there's a better doctor for levator, please help.
We emailed him last night specifically for levator b4 & after photos, hope he'll reply soon. His website has all the eyelid photos but i don't know which ones are for levator.
I think it's under the section "眼瞼下垂" - I'm not sure what exactly is levator surgery but if it's to correct ptosis then it should be it
Yes! u're so smart. I salute to your sun.

Dr Jong replied yesterday. He's quite fast in his reply. It's the 7th & 8th photos counting from the last photo. I don't know how to pronounce the chinese words. "Yan something xia chui"
We consulted MH here before. Sis has double eyelids but the upper eyelids cover about a quarter of her iris, so he suggested ptosis, quoted about 10k+.
Dr Jong quoted about 3k for levator inclusive of double eyelids so we think it's very worthwhile. What about Dr Chuang & Dr Hsu, do you think they do levator surgery too? Coz from their photos, they didn't specify whether they do it.