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Re: ^Pink Fusia

Post by pink_fuchsia » Tue, 14 Jul 2009 10:20 am

Blissful09 wrote:PinkFusia do u have any pix that u can Pm me? Or did u already link it on his page? If so may i know the page number? I heard chin impant is VERY painful.

Does anyone know if u bring a relative to get surgery with u in Taiwan u get discount? Cuz i heard its like that in Korea.
hihi. sorry but i din post any pics online... i feel ok for all my surgeries haha, maybe i have a high pain threshold.

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Post by duntellmi » Tue, 14 Jul 2009 9:45 pm

Hi I would like to ask if any of you guys know how much would it be for full rhino with rib cartilage at Dr Kao? Including accommodation, airfare, the best price is how much huh?

I need to know this because I'm going to need to start saving. Thanks a lot for any info.

I understand that its going to be impossible to give me a precise answer, but I will appreciate the range for the rhino and air ticket? Like...$5000? $10000?

Also, do you guys have good recommendations for Lipo too? I read till page 20+ but didn't read about anything lipo, so I decided to ask here.

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Post by Blissful09 » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 5:28 am

duntellmi wrote:Hi I would like to ask if any of you guys know how much would it be for full rhino with rib cartilage at Dr Kao? Including accommodation, airfare, the best price is how much huh?

I need to know this because I'm going to need to start saving. Thanks a lot for any info.

I understand that its going to be impossible to give me a precise answer, but I will appreciate the range for the rhino and air ticket? Like...$5000? $10000?

Also, do you guys have good recommendations for Lipo too? I read till page 20+ but didn't read about anything lipo, so I decided to ask here.

Rib : 110 000-120 000 TWD (taiwanese dollors)

if you have around 8000USd you should be able to survive. (thats included Airfare, and hotels and food) just make sure u dont go to expensive hotels. bring 8000US and u can survive for 10-15days.

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Re: Revision pic

Post by fifipek » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 9:58 am

Gbaby wrote:
Ms Juice wrote:I am back! wanna share my experience with you guys.

I did my eyes with Dr Chuang and i can say he is really a very good doctor.
I did epi, levator and revision of my dbl eyelid.
My eyes are still swelling and the dbl eyelid are stil thick thou its already 16 days post surgery. I guess its bcos of the levator surgery that i did.
Dr Chuang did tell me that i would probably need to wait for at least 3 mths before i can see results.
Abit impatient now cos my eyes are making me look so tranny :( ..
I really hope the swelling will do down fast and soon.
My epi scars are still there but however it is coverable with make up.
hi may i know how much u did your epi n double eyelids?

I did my nose n chin with Dr Kao.
To begin with, my orginal nose was those bulbous kind, like Jacky Chan that kind. Even thou i alreadi had an implate which i did in Thai, it didnt make it any better.
Thanks to Dr Kao, now i have a 'new' nose using solely my rib bones and i am very happy with it.
Its about 14 days post surgery and althou my nose is still swelling, i can say i am quite lucky cos i didnt experience any pain around the rib after the surgery. ( My chin was the painful one)
I could get up without any help after the surgery and walk around. The nurses were quite shock too, i, myself was pretty shock too... hahahah
The nurses at Tri Hospital were very helpful cos when my GA wear off, i puke so many times and had to keep callin the nurse to clear it.
There was no meals served, so i actually asked one of the staff to help me get porridge from the canteen. So anyone who is going for surgery soon, you may want to prepare some food before the surgery.
I had a total of about 18 stitches for my nose and now i cant really see the scars for the nose.

As for my chin, it was really painful.
I remembered immediately after the surgery, they woke me up to tell me the surgery was over.
The first thing i said was: My chin is very very very vey painful.
I couldnt really have much movement with my jaw and i had difficulty eating cos i couldnt open my mouth..
Even till today, it stil hurts a little but it is getting better and i can already see the shape of the implate.

I was under GA for my nose n chin surgery and i was told by Dr Kao that GA is injected into our body and not through the mask that was being placed over the face. That mask is actually oxygen. lol

There are reviews that Dr Kao is impatient and did consultation very fast but that is no really true.
He is very patient, patient enough to hear what you want and he will give opinion on whether the kind of nose you want is achieveable or not.
My consultation with him wasnt really a fast one, cos he showed me photos of many noses and also showed me my 'after photos'.
Dr kao is really 1 nice doctor. Thumbs up!

And now i am waiting patiently for e swelling to go down.
I hope, i pray my current tranny look will go away soon... lol
Hi Ms Juice, u mentioned u did revision on the dbl eyelid. May i ask if u can share with me your b4 and after revision? I did dbl eyelid once and that doc totally ruin it, now i wish i could find a trust worthly doc to redo my eyes. I'll be gratefull to u thank u. [email protected].

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Joined: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:33 am

Post by fifipek » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 11:29 am

tobehunk wrote:
Ms Juice wrote:I am back! wanna share my experience with you guys.

I did my eyes with Dr Chuang and i can say he is really a very good doctor.
I did epi, levator and revision of my dbl eyelid.
My eyes are still swelling and the dbl eyelid are stil thick thou its already 16 days post surgery. I guess its bcos of the levator surgery that i did.
Dr Chuang did tell me that i would probably need to wait for at least 3 mths before i can see results.
Abit impatient now cos my eyes are making me look so tranny :( ..
I really hope the swelling will do down fast and soon.
My epi scars are still there but however it is coverable with make up.

hi how much did u do double eyelids n epi witth doc chang?

I did my nose n chin with Dr Kao.
To begin with, my orginal nose was those bulbous kind, like Jacky Chan that kind. Even thou i alreadi had an implate which i did in Thai, it didnt make it any better.
Thanks to Dr Kao, now i have a 'new' nose using solely my rib bones and i am very happy with it.
Its about 14 days post surgery and althou my nose is still swelling, i can say i am quite lucky cos i didnt experience any pain around the rib after the surgery. ( My chin was the painful one)
I could get up without any help after the surgery and walk around. The nurses were quite shock too, i, myself was pretty shock too... hahahah
The nurses at Tri Hospital were very helpful cos when my GA wear off, i puke so many times and had to keep callin the nurse to clear it.
There was no meals served, so i actually asked one of the staff to help me get porridge from the canteen. So anyone who is going for surgery soon, you may want to prepare some food before the surgery.
I had a total of about 18 stitches for my nose and now i cant really see the scars for the nose.

As for my chin, it was really painful.
I remembered immediately after the surgery, they woke me up to tell me the surgery was over.
The first thing i said was: My chin is very very very vey painful.
I couldnt really have much movement with my jaw and i had difficulty eating cos i couldnt open my mouth..
Even till today, it stil hurts a little but it is getting better and i can already see the shape of the implate.

I was under GA for my nose n chin surgery and i was told by Dr Kao that GA is injected into our body and not through the mask that was being placed over the face. That mask is actually oxygen. lol

There are reviews that Dr Kao is impatient and did consultation very fast but that is no really true.
He is very patient, patient enough to hear what you want and he will give opinion on whether the kind of nose you want is achieveable or not.
My consultation with him wasnt really a fast one, cos he showed me photos of many noses and also showed me my 'after photos'.
Dr kao is really 1 nice doctor. Thumbs up!

And now i am waiting patiently for e swelling to go down.
I hope, i pray my current tranny look will go away soon... lol
wow... ms juice... congrats!! im thinking of doing my nose wif dr kao too..
but really my main concern now remains is using the rib graft surgery...
how is ur rib wound healing now? did dr kao just use ur rib for ur nose only? any ear graft for the tip? or other materials?

actually my nose is the same as ur type... big, round, bulbous... sighs...

pls, tell us more, esp the post surgery treatment, service, and more impt the healing tho i know individual healing can be different.

Posts: 61
Joined: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:33 am

Post by fifipek » Wed, 15 Jul 2009 11:46 am

feline.eyes wrote:I got my nose done with Dr Hsu and my eyes done with Dr Chuang.


I got my rhinoplasty with Dr Hsu using autologous cartilage harvested from my right ribcage just underneath my breast. My rib wound hurt like a freak when they were getting me off the operating table but quickly lessened over the next few days. Don't be shy and say it is painful when it is so they can give you the painkillers. My advice is not to move much during the first two days, because it only really hurt if you exert yourself. Find a position that you are comfortable with. Mine was simple; to lie flat on my back. All in all I would say it really didn't hurt that much and is completely tolerable. Only time I went damn, is the moving from the operating table to the bed. But still because it was so fast, I really don't remember much about it at all.

Fact is, I suffered a lot more because of the anaesthesia. I kept vomiting and was nauseous for about 24. I dread having to get up to pee because it would mean throwing up again. It was vicious because I had to drink more water to get rid of the medication that was affecting me. I had zero appetite so I got my sister to get me the drink/jello supplements from 7/11. They were a godsend. They are kept at the drinks section or the area when they keep the sandwiches and meals. They come in different flavours and contents (vitamins, Q10, fiber, hanten, energy, etc).

My healing rate is pretty terrible so I am reluctant to say much about my nose at the moment. I can say that the wound below my chest is fine and the scar is a thin red line about 1 1/2 inches and completely covered when I am wearing a bikini/bra. The reddish hue will fade more after some time., so it will get less and less visible. Now it only hurts when I sneeze and it hurts less if I put light pressure on it when I do sneeze.

Dr Hsu is a very nice doctor and he is very obliging and will try to answer all your questions to the best of his abilities. I cannot stress enough that how successful an operation has to do with the communication with your doctor so he will know what you want and so he can tell you if it is possible and within his means. He can't read your mind and you cannot assume he knows what you mean/desire. He came over just after my operation but I was so out of it... He came over again the next day to check on me and of course I saw him just before I checked out.

Dr Hsu promised revision if anything goes wrong, so that includes warping. Yes, another operation will be needed. I can't see how things can be corrected without one. Revision will be provided at no surgical and material cost but the charges for the operation room will be levied. Please contact Dr Hsu for more information regarding revision, charges and the conditions attached.

Do I feel prettier? Frankly no... Although I had a very flat nose but it was something that I was comfortable with and had lived with for the past however many years. And though I can't say I was beautiful, but I was considered attractive by some (but I admit I need to lose some of the weight I gained in Australia T_T). After the cast came off, I was quite depressed because I looked so different and I had a hard time adjusting to it and am still trying to. If I looked at the nose as a separate entity, I think it looks quite good even though it is still swollen. I really can't say if I can't adjust to it because it is not suited or because I am not use to it. But most importantly like I stated earlier, it would be unfair and completely stupid to say anything at the moment because it is still swollen and it hasn't even been a month yet. I will post my thoughts on it later when it is less swollen.

Blepharoplasty and epicanthoplasty

I had secondary revision Blepharoplasty and Epicanthoplasty with Dr Chuang. It was a spur of the moment thing. I called up the clinic and made an appointment for consultation and I was back there at 6pm for surgery and after about 2 hours I left the clinic and went back to hostel. I went back 6 days later to remove my stitches.

Dr Chuang is very, very busy. He will give you plenty of time to ask questions and clarify anything during consultation, but other than that he is just rushing around fulfilling his appointments. He is very friendly and professional and will answer your queries but I can't say he has the personal touch, though I will say he does his job well and quick. My epicanthoplasty scars are tiny because the stitches were so well done, and they are fading even more everyday. But the stitches for the mini incision Blepharoplasty is a lot more visible and my eyelids are still swollen and looks unnatural so I can't really say if I am satisfied or not.
hi feline eyes can u share with me how much u did your eyes?

Posts: 61
Joined: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:33 am

dr chuang

Post by fifipek » Thu, 16 Jul 2009 9:19 am

fifipek wrote:
feline.eyes wrote:I got my nose done with Dr Hsu and my eyes done with Dr Chuang.


I got my rhinoplasty with Dr Hsu using autologous cartilage harvested from my right ribcage just underneath my breast. My rib wound hurt like a freak when they were getting me off the operating table but quickly lessened over the next few days. Don't be shy and say it is painful when it is so they can give you the painkillers. My advice is not to move much during the first two days, because it only really hurt if you exert yourself. Find a position that you are comfortable with. Mine was simple; to lie flat on my back. All in all I would say it really didn't hurt that much and is completely tolerable. Only time I went damn, is the moving from the operating table to the bed. But still because it was so fast, I really don't remember much about it at all.

Fact is, I suffered a lot more because of the anaesthesia. I kept vomiting and was nauseous for about 24. I dread having to get up to pee because it would mean throwing up again. It was vicious because I had to drink more water to get rid of the medication that was affecting me. I had zero appetite so I got my sister to get me the drink/jello supplements from 7/11. They were a godsend. They are kept at the drinks section or the area when they keep the sandwiches and meals. They come in different flavours and contents (vitamins, Q10, fiber, hanten, energy, etc).

My healing rate is pretty terrible so I am reluctant to say much about my nose at the moment. I can say that the wound below my chest is fine and the scar is a thin red line about 1 1/2 inches and completely covered when I am wearing a bikini/bra. The reddish hue will fade more after some time., so it will get less and less visible. Now it only hurts when I sneeze and it hurts less if I put light pressure on it when I do sneeze.

Dr Hsu is a very nice doctor and he is very obliging and will try to answer all your questions to the best of his abilities. I cannot stress enough that how successful an operation has to do with the communication with your doctor so he will know what you want and so he can tell you if it is possible and within his means. He can't read your mind and you cannot assume he knows what you mean/desire. He came over just after my operation but I was so out of it... He came over again the next day to check on me and of course I saw him just before I checked out.

Dr Hsu promised revision if anything goes wrong, so that includes warping. Yes, another operation will be needed. I can't see how things can be corrected without one. Revision will be provided at no surgical and material cost but the charges for the operation room will be levied. Please contact Dr Hsu for more information regarding revision, charges and the conditions attached.

Do I feel prettier? Frankly no... Although I had a very flat nose but it was something that I was comfortable with and had lived with for the past however many years. And though I can't say I was beautiful, but I was considered attractive by some (but I admit I need to lose some of the weight I gained in Australia T_T). After the cast came off, I was quite depressed because I looked so different and I had a hard time adjusting to it and am still trying to. If I looked at the nose as a separate entity, I think it looks quite good even though it is still swollen. I really can't say if I can't adjust to it because it is not suited or because I am not use to it. But most importantly like I stated earlier, it would be unfair and completely stupid to say anything at the moment because it is still swollen and it hasn't even been a month yet. I will post my thoughts on it later when it is less swollen.

Blepharoplasty and epicanthoplasty

I had secondary revision Blepharoplasty and Epicanthoplasty with Dr Chuang. It was a spur of the moment thing. I called up the clinic and made an appointment for consultation and I was back there at 6pm for surgery and after about 2 hours I left the clinic and went back to hostel. I went back 6 days later to remove my stitches.

Dr Chuang is very, very busy. He will give you plenty of time to ask questions and clarify anything during consultation, but other than that he is just rushing around fulfilling his appointments. He is very friendly and professional and will answer your queries but I can't say he has the personal touch, though I will say he does his job well and quick. My epicanthoplasty scars are tiny because the stitches were so well done, and they are fading even more everyday. But the stitches for the mini incision Blepharoplasty is a lot more visible and my eyelids are still swollen and looks unnatural so I can't really say if I am satisfied or not.
hi feline eyes can u share with me how much u did your eyes?
does anyone have dr chuang email?
i went to his website took his email n send but it bounce back.

Posts: 53
Joined: Fri, 02 Jan 2009 1:14 pm

meet up!

Post by cupcakez » Thu, 16 Jul 2009 1:26 pm

Anyone in Taipei next week? I will be there to see Dr Kao and staying at Kang Ning.

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Location: Singapore

Post by Karen_Chin » Thu, 16 Jul 2009 2:08 pm

Hi anyone have problem going for their facial after PS? do I need to stop going facial after my surgery? for instance if I went for both nose & chin implant.
Anyone going to Dr Chuang in end Aug or early Sep??

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Joined: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 4:00 am

Post by Islena » Fri, 17 Jul 2009 7:58 am

Does anyone know approximately how many rib rhinoplasties Dr. Kao has performed?

Also, for those who had surgery with Dr. Kao, what did you think about the quality and safety of the hospital?

Posts: 61
Joined: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 11:33 am

Re: dr chuang

Post by fifipek » Fri, 17 Jul 2009 9:12 am

fifipek wrote:
fifipek wrote:
feline.eyes wrote:I got my nose done with Dr Hsu and my eyes done with Dr Chuang.


I got my rhinoplasty with Dr Hsu using autologous cartilage harvested from my right ribcage just underneath my breast. My rib wound hurt like a freak when they were getting me off the operating table but quickly lessened over the next few days. Don't be shy and say it is painful when it is so they can give you the painkillers. My advice is not to move much during the first two days, because it only really hurt if you exert yourself. Find a position that you are comfortable with. Mine was simple; to lie flat on my back. All in all I would say it really didn't hurt that much and is completely tolerable. Only time I went damn, is the moving from the operating table to the bed. But still because it was so fast, I really don't remember much about it at all.

Fact is, I suffered a lot more because of the anaesthesia. I kept vomiting and was nauseous for about 24. I dread having to get up to pee because it would mean throwing up again. It was vicious because I had to drink more water to get rid of the medication that was affecting me. I had zero appetite so I got my sister to get me the drink/jello supplements from 7/11. They were a godsend. They are kept at the drinks section or the area when they keep the sandwiches and meals. They come in different flavours and contents (vitamins, Q10, fiber, hanten, energy, etc).

My healing rate is pretty terrible so I am reluctant to say much about my nose at the moment. I can say that the wound below my chest is fine and the scar is a thin red line about 1 1/2 inches and completely covered when I am wearing a bikini/bra. The reddish hue will fade more after some time., so it will get less and less visible. Now it only hurts when I sneeze and it hurts less if I put light pressure on it when I do sneeze.

Dr Hsu is a very nice doctor and he is very obliging and will try to answer all your questions to the best of his abilities. I cannot stress enough that how successful an operation has to do with the communication with your doctor so he will know what you want and so he can tell you if it is possible and within his means. He can't read your mind and you cannot assume he knows what you mean/desire. He came over just after my operation but I was so out of it... He came over again the next day to check on me and of course I saw him just before I checked out.

Dr Hsu promised revision if anything goes wrong, so that includes warping. Yes, another operation will be needed. I can't see how things can be corrected without one. Revision will be provided at no surgical and material cost but the charges for the operation room will be levied. Please contact Dr Hsu for more information regarding revision, charges and the conditions attached.

Do I feel prettier? Frankly no... Although I had a very flat nose but it was something that I was comfortable with and had lived with for the past however many years. And though I can't say I was beautiful, but I was considered attractive by some (but I admit I need to lose some of the weight I gained in Australia T_T). After the cast came off, I was quite depressed because I looked so different and I had a hard time adjusting to it and am still trying to. If I looked at the nose as a separate entity, I think it looks quite good even though it is still swollen. I really can't say if I can't adjust to it because it is not suited or because I am not use to it. But most importantly like I stated earlier, it would be unfair and completely stupid to say anything at the moment because it is still swollen and it hasn't even been a month yet. I will post my thoughts on it later when it is less swollen.

Blepharoplasty and epicanthoplasty

I had secondary revision Blepharoplasty and Epicanthoplasty with Dr Chuang. It was a spur of the moment thing. I called up the clinic and made an appointment for consultation and I was back there at 6pm for surgery and after about 2 hours I left the clinic and went back to hostel. I went back 6 days later to remove my stitches.

Dr Chuang is very, very busy. He will give you plenty of time to ask questions and clarify anything during consultation, but other than that he is just rushing around fulfilling his appointments. He is very friendly and professional and will answer your queries but I can't say he has the personal touch, though I will say he does his job well and quick. My epicanthoplasty scars are tiny because the stitches were so well done, and they are fading even more everyday. But the stitches for the mini incision Blepharoplasty is a lot more visible and my eyelids are still swollen and looks unnatural so I can't really say if I am satisfied or not.
hi feline eyes can u share with me how much u did your eyes?
does anyone have dr chuang email?
i went to his website took his email n send but it bounce back.[/quote

hi feline eye how much did u paid for both youur eye surgries?

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NT Dollars

Post by kwelll » Fri, 17 Jul 2009 9:25 pm


Anyone in Singapore interested in and/or require New Taiwanese Dollars, please contact me as I do have some available.


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Joined: Fri, 16 May 2008 7:25 pm


Post by victorie » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 4:04 pm

okay im back from my 2 week PS trip in Taiwan!
what an experience it has been...i did a couple of procedures,
4 in fact, all with Dr Kao.

Dr Kao did such a good job with my eyes everyone including myself
were very pleased with it. i was a single eyelid so being male, i asked for a inner/subtle double eyelid and by the 4th day it was healed and looking perfect. didn't know dr Kao was good with eyes too.

Dr Kao has been very supportive and patient and as a patient, i trusted him and i believe that's very important.

i have other things on my hands now so i will share the experience over the next few posts!

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Joined: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 3:14 pm

Re: voila!

Post by rememberme123 » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 9:05 pm

Hello! I am 20 year old female in Singapore and I am looking forward to getting my nose tip and alar done with Dr Kao or Dr Hsu from Taiwan.. anyone who has done their nose with Dr Kao.. Is it possible if I can converse with you via email to find out more please?

i have browsed through the pages of reviews and Dr Hsu and Dr Kao keeps appearing.. tried to PM some of you all but I couldn't due to my limited number of posts..

Please do help me out with this as I have contemplated getting surgery since two years ago. Was initially quite set on getting surgery with a local ps doc for my nose in August this year but thought that overseas doc esp. those renowned ones in Korea and Taiwan could do a better job. Don't think any surgeon in singapore can do such good anatologous rhinoplasty...

Hope you all can understand where i am coming from and please get back to me via this forum.. and i'd be more than glad to exchange my email with you..

For those who have had successful nose jobs done with Dr Kao or Dr Hsu, i would really wish to hear from you and hope you could spread your "joy" to me too by giving me your advice and getting in touch with me.. sounds a bit cheesy but i really need help and guidance...

My PM function is not working.. haha.

victorie wrote:okay im back from my 2 week PS trip in Taiwan!
what an experience it has been...i did a couple of procedures,
4 in fact, all with Dr Kao.

Dr Kao did such a good job with my eyes everyone including myself
were very pleased with it. i was a single eyelid so being male, i asked for a inner/subtle double eyelid and by the 4th day it was healed and looking perfect. didn't know dr Kao was good with eyes too.

Dr Kao has been very supportive and patient and as a patient, i trusted him and i believe that's very important.

i have other things on my hands now so i will share the experience over the next few posts!
Last edited by rememberme123 on Sun, 19 Jul 2009 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 11
Joined: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 3:14 pm

Re: meet up!

Post by rememberme123 » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 9:07 pm

Hello cupcakez.. are you getting surgery done with Dr Kao next week?
or just going for holiday + consultation?
cupcakez wrote:Anyone in Taipei next week? I will be there to see Dr Kao and staying at Kang Ning.

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