Ms Juice wrote:I am back! wanna share my experience with you guys.
I did my eyes with Dr Chuang and i can say he is really a very good doctor.
I did epi, levator and revision of my dbl eyelid.
My eyes are still swelling and the dbl eyelid are stil thick thou its already 16 days post surgery. I guess its bcos of the levator surgery that i did.
Dr Chuang did tell me that i would probably need to wait for at least 3 mths before i can see results.
Abit impatient now cos my eyes are making me look so tranny

I really hope the swelling will do down fast and soon.
My epi scars are still there but however it is coverable with make up.
hi how much did u do double eyelids n epi witth doc chang?
I did my nose n chin with Dr Kao.
To begin with, my orginal nose was those bulbous kind, like Jacky Chan that kind. Even thou i alreadi had an implate which i did in Thai, it didnt make it any better.
Thanks to Dr Kao, now i have a 'new' nose using solely my rib bones and i am very happy with it.
Its about 14 days post surgery and althou my nose is still swelling, i can say i am quite lucky cos i didnt experience any pain around the rib after the surgery. ( My chin was the painful one)
I could get up without any help after the surgery and walk around. The nurses were quite shock too, i, myself was pretty shock too... hahahah
The nurses at Tri Hospital were very helpful cos when my GA wear off, i puke so many times and had to keep callin the nurse to clear it.
There was no meals served, so i actually asked one of the staff to help me get porridge from the canteen. So anyone who is going for surgery soon, you may want to prepare some food before the surgery.
I had a total of about 18 stitches for my nose and now i cant really see the scars for the nose.
As for my chin, it was really painful.
I remembered immediately after the surgery, they woke me up to tell me the surgery was over.
The first thing i said was: My chin is very very very vey painful.
I couldnt really have much movement with my jaw and i had difficulty eating cos i couldnt open my mouth..
Even till today, it stil hurts a little but it is getting better and i can already see the shape of the implate.
I was under GA for my nose n chin surgery and i was told by Dr Kao that GA is injected into our body and not through the mask that was being placed over the face. That mask is actually oxygen. lol
There are reviews that Dr Kao is impatient and did consultation very fast but that is no really true.
He is very patient, patient enough to hear what you want and he will give opinion on whether the kind of nose you want is achieveable or not.
My consultation with him wasnt really a fast one, cos he showed me photos of many noses and also showed me my 'after photos'.
Dr kao is really 1 nice doctor. Thumbs up!
And now i am waiting patiently for e swelling to go down.
I hope, i pray my current tranny look will go away soon... lol