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Post by appletree » Wed, 08 Apr 2009 4:21 am

Hi Bliss9,

actually i did not tell my friends, but many people suspects though which is not nice. I need somebody to answer on this question too :roll:

Flying mice,

yes, it is simply so annoying for those people who always pin point out who or who did ps or such!! Well, for what i know , these people are simply just no courage to go under the knives and simply couldnt take it that you look better than them, thats why all the gossips and sour grapes remarks came out! Well, lets look around here in the chat room, which one of us is ever ugly before we did the nose job? I should say most of us already look quite presentable and nice looking before ps, but after ps is look even better only, thats all loh. 8-)

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Post by mikko_baby80 » Wed, 08 Apr 2009 8:41 pm

hi bliss, juz wanna share my tots on this too. in fact before i go PS, i had already told all my close friends & colleagues wat i will be doing. but before going for PS, i was worried how ppl might look at me when i come back looking different & i was afraid that (not so close colleagues) they might gossip abt me too. i told 1 of my close colleague Irene abt my fear & she said this to me which i veri much agreed on. she said "if i dun deny doing PS when ppl ask, chances are they mostly wun gossip behind ur back & there's nutin to gossip abt since i hv already admit to it."

anyway, when i was back to work, no one ask me or commented that i look different. 2 possible reason: i hv told most of my colleagues or dr kao's work is too natural until ppl can't tell the difference. LOL.. :lol:

but i certainly dun agree of throwing friends away. friends shouldn't be gossiping behind ur back & those who gossip are not friends. IMHO.. no offense.. :wink:

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Post by mikko_baby80 » Wed, 08 Apr 2009 8:57 pm

girlnextdoor wrote:
hi mikko thanks for the reply! hey i thought everyone loves a sharp face lol.. but anyway i'm sure it will be more defined after the swell goes down! :)
haha.. coz although my face shape is sharp but its not in a pretty shape. yup im hoping tat my nose will become much smaller after de swell. thanxs girl~ :D

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Post by mikko_baby80 » Wed, 08 Apr 2009 9:00 pm

Lacey wrote:
My Eyes
hey Lacey, i like ur eyes! ur eyes quite nice le leh.. :D

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Post by Lacey » Wed, 08 Apr 2009 11:44 pm

mikko_baby80 wrote:
Lacey wrote:
My Eyes
hey Lacey, i like ur eyes! ur eyes quite nice le leh.. :D

thank u, but i am planning to do a dbl eyelid(my eyelids are hidden) , epi (i have that mongolian fold) and also i levator surgery cause i have a little little tired eyes.. lol ....

I am planning to go to Dr Yang of Artwood, he is very prompt in replying my e-mails but at the same time i am a little worried.. cause I have never seens anyone posted any feedbacks on him...

If anyone out there happen to have experience with Dr yang fromArtwood or any of your friends have experience with him.. pls do share with me asap...

Need to make a decision soon

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Post by cersepn » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 12:09 am

Lacey: I think all you need is just some bridge increase and narrowing of the tip. You're very fortunate to have a sharp tip heh. Your eyes don't look tired at all though, so i'm not sure if it's even necessary to have levator surgery done.

Contrary to what you might believe, your fold is very minimal, which is the reason why the inside of your eyes is naturally quite large so..i doubt if epi will make you look much better.

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Post by Blissful09 » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 4:07 am

Lacey your eyes are already bright and round. Having big eyelids u might regret it. Its all about the shape.. not the bigness of the eyelid.. it might look strange. Maybe you should consider doing ONE surgery at a time.. like do ur nose first? Im going to taiwan in December u should come with me! I choose December and not summer because Taiwan in the summer will make me sweat alot and the heat is just... not good for my healing face.


I have a question for those who have done rhino, so im really happy i heard no needles are involved, but i was wondering what is the most painful part? What is this i heard about removing stitches after a week? Will the doctor go inside my nostrils to remove the strings!? omg that sounds painful!!!!!!!

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Post by girlnextdoor » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 1:15 pm

appletree wrote:well done girls :) ,

glad that everyone are happy with their results too, i'm loving my new nose everyday :) However, still trying to accept that many friends couldn't regconise me though.

Here is the link to my result, greatest credit goes to Dr Kao !!
link: ... &next=1461
hi apple, your nose looks great, very nice and natural haha.. your before-nose looks like michael jackson's, that was a failed nose surgery you did in malaysia right?!

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Post by takuda » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 6:11 pm

cersepn wrote:Lacey: I think all you need is just some bridge increase and narrowing of the tip. You're very fortunate to have a sharp tip heh. Your eyes don't look tired at all though, so i'm not sure if it's even necessary to have levator surgery done.

Contrary to what you might believe, your fold is very minimal, which is the reason why the inside of your eyes is naturally quite large so..i doubt if epi will make you look much better.
i beg to differ. shouldn't round eyes be elongated via epi? just my opinion though.. :?
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Post by cersepn » Thu, 09 Apr 2009 7:54 pm

takuda wrote:
cersepn wrote:Lacey: I think all you need is just some bridge increase and narrowing of the tip. You're very fortunate to have a sharp tip heh. Your eyes don't look tired at all though, so i'm not sure if it's even necessary to have levator surgery done.

Contrary to what you might believe, your fold is very minimal, which is the reason why the inside of your eyes is naturally quite large so..i doubt if epi will make you look much better.
i beg to differ. shouldn't round eyes be elongated via epi? just my opinion though.. :?
Blissful09 just said why. It's the shape that matters most, not the size ^^
And.. the people who benefit most from epi are those who have a small inner eye opening, or in other words, have a very prominent epicanthal fold. So epi enlarges the inner corner and makes the eyes bigger.

But Lacey is not one of those people. You can tell from her pics already that the inner corner of her eyes are very large, so doing epi is quite unnecessary.

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Post by Blissful09 » Fri, 10 Apr 2009 4:11 am

another thing i realize if your eye shape is already round and large in size and u decide to also get big double eyelids.. u will end up looking super fake and getting something called frog eyes... Ayumi Lee and Ayumi Hamasaki have a small version of those. if u dont mind revealing that you got work done or ur not trying to go for the natural look then sure get it done. it might look like O_O bam whoa! hugeeee pretty eyeballs
Blissful09 wrote: _____________________________________________________________

I have a question for those who have done rhino, so im really happy i heard no needles are involved, but i was wondering what is the most painful part? What is this i heard about removing stitches after a week? Will the doctor go inside my nostrils to remove the strings!? omg that sounds painful!!!!!!!
can anyone answer my previous question... cuz This is what im picturing... so in 1 week after the operation the doctor asks u to come in... removes the cast (or white part covering ur nose) and then the bottom on ur nostrils should be crusty with dry blood right? and he will take lil mini scissors and then snip off the stitches near the bottom of ur nostrils?............true or false? OMG sounds painful

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Post by cersepn » Fri, 10 Apr 2009 10:32 am

Eh who told you there won't be any needles during a rhino? Otherwise how are they going to numb your nose if there's no needle to administer anaesthesia?

It's probably not as bad as you imagine it to be.. Consider how many ladies went for rhino and the amount who said the post op removal of stitches was traumatic? Very few

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Post by Blissful09 » Fri, 10 Apr 2009 1:58 pm

cersepn wrote:Eh who told you there won't be any needles during a rhino? Otherwise how are they going to numb your nose if there's no needle to administer anaesthesia?

It's probably not as bad as you imagine it to be.. Consider how many ladies went for rhino and the amount who said the post op removal of stitches was traumatic? Very few
im confused... someone just said they dont use needles... i thought they gas you? General Anaesthia isnt that when they cover your mouth with that tube mouth coverer thingy?

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Post by cersepn » Fri, 10 Apr 2009 2:46 pm

Maybe we're talking about different things here.

Almost all silicon/gortex rhino is not done under GA. But if you're talking about rib rhino then yes it's GA.

I do however, remember someone saying that she didn't have the IV needle after the nose job using rib with dr kao, so maybe you're right, no needles.

So basically if it's a silicon/gortex rhino, there will definitely be needles involved to numb the nose. And most docs won't agree to do GA for silicon/gortex surgeries

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Post by redruby2294 » Fri, 10 Apr 2009 8:28 pm

cupcakez wrote:I'm going Taipei in May, please PM me
Hi Cupcakez,

Are you set on heading to Taiwan in May? If so, let's go there together! Sorry, tried pm-ing you but was told unable to pm till I have more posts.

Pl send me an e-mail at [email protected] to follow up. Thanks!

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