Yes, actually he had been worked for Hardware Engineer for 3 years and 3 years for Software Engineer.jpatokal wrote:That seems on the low side to me, but it's hard to say without more details. Where was your friend working before? Does he have any special skills?
This is the thing -- having "many experiences" is generally not a good thing. Employers want specialists and will pay extra if there's something that you can do and others cannot do.freenux wrote:After 3 years, he was requested to join in Software team (he is one person only that can handle software) and start to be software engineer. After 2 year, he is asked to be software project leader.
Actually, his has many experiences both of software and hardware. Because he has skill in programming, his Bos asked him to move to software.
Gotta love HR (*,)But HRD refuse him because he is out of company's spec. HRD need person who experience in hardware for 5 years or person who experiences in software for 5 years.
Actually, he had been worked for 5,5 years. But because he was in hardware only for 3 years and in software for 2,5 years, he was refused.
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