well, if you mean house as in private house, i don't think a young person will qualify for a loan without at least one (major) guarantor.
the same probably applies to a
condo. so that leaves HDB apartments. in this case, i strongly recommend you take a trip to toa payoh HDB hub for such enquiries.
there're people there who get paid to answer all queries HDB-related plus they print official-looking and often glossy phamplets and brochures for people to take home.
because you're 21, it might suit you better to rent right now, since you need to qualify to get a that HDB flat... (marriage/over35/parent/CPF/etc) i don't have all the facts.
nevertheless, it should be easy to rent a place. dig around the classified sections here OR with your 60c (is it still 60c?) copy of straits times. i can't remember which days have the most
property listings.
if that's not good enough, you can otherwise leaf through free copies at hotel lobbies or cafes. you may want to get a job first so you rent a place near work.
lastly, i think you're posting this in the wrong place... but good luck with your job hunt!
p/s: just in case you have serious money on hand for a house or condo, you're STILL posting this in the wrong place. talk to your banker.