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by PNGMK » Fri, 03 Jan 2020 7:23 pm
NarrowGate wrote: ↑Fri, 03 Jan 2020 3:44 pm
PNGMK wrote: ↑Thu, 19 Jan 2017 9:25 am
I suggest International Baptist Church - apart from a normal offering basket going around there is no other discussion about money matters. It's not charismatic however. Note that IBC has abandoned a lot of the hateful, divisive, sexist and racist held doctrines that were promulgated out by the Southern Baptist Convention (IBC is a misson church of the SBC). Furthermore the SBC has also improved their stance to a more progressive and Christ-like doctrine. However if there was an Australia Baptist Church here I would prefer that.
Do you attend IBC? What is their position on tithing? Also, are they in any degree reformed/Calvinist in their theology?
1. Yes
2. Commanded by God but up the individual. I don't tithe a full 10% to IBC but split with some other missions. I'd recommend reading Kris Valloton's book on Poverty, Riches and Wealth to understand why tithing is important.
Reformed theologians affirm the historic Christian belief that Christ is eternally one person with a divine and a human nature. Reformed Christians have especially emphasized that Christ truly became human so that people could be saved. - IBC is this yes although we preach the trinity.
Definition of Calvinism. : the theological system of Calvin and his followers marked by strong emphasis on the sovereignty of God, the depravity of humankind, and the doctrine of predestination. - IBC does not preach predestination but the rest mostly (depravity would be lost in IBC).
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