And seven years later, I'd still say the same thing.
Sadly, it would seem people here are still getting mixed up on the difference between singlish and the Singaporean accent. A typical, well educated Singaporean can speak perfect British English and to the foreign native English speaker it sounds like a foreign language because of the local accent, not the grammar used when speaking singlish.
I've yet to hear a preacher, minister, priest, big pooba, mystic, guru, or whatever you want to address the guy behind the podium with, in any organized "English Speaking" church here in Singapore use singlish during the sermon. He may paraphrase a passage by translating it to another of the four major languages to help those who are not English speakers, but not singlish. The only exceptions, possibly, being the mega steal-your-money churches. They will stoop to any level to dig into your pockets as deep as they can.