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Is it legal to post SIA training materials in a blog???

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Is it legal to post SIA training materials in a blog???

Post by brazilbrazil » Fri, 16 May 2008 5:10 pm

I was appalled when a came across a blog with images of SIA training materials! The images are from CPR trainings, safety demonstration, and even a trainee sleeping while on training!!! This was taken by a trainee stewardess.... So my question is is it legal?? And I thought SIA is really a prestige firm to begin with.

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Post by Plavt » Fri, 16 May 2008 5:29 pm

Probably not, at a guess the training materials are copyrighted and there might be a security issue involved. I can't say for sure though.

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Re: Is it legal to post SIA training materials in a blog???

Post by singaporegrrl » Fri, 16 May 2008 7:57 pm

brazilbrazil wrote:I was appalled when a came across a blog with images of SIA training materials! The images are from CPR trainings, safety demonstration, and even a trainee sleeping while on training!!! This was taken by a trainee stewardess.... So my question is is it legal?? And I thought SIA is really a prestige firm to begin with.
If you are talking about materials - manuals - then of coz it's not allowed. But if you're talking about images of activities we did during training, I'm guessing it's allowed coz the instructors don't mind us bringing cameras into class. In fact, we took pictures with trainers as well. Thousands of flight attendants around the world have posted pictures of their training on their blogs, facebook, etc, etc. I'm one of them.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?

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