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How to get back the Rent advance paid for Accommodation

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How to get back the Rent advance paid for Accommodation

Post by Raj_in_Singapore » Fri, 16 May 2008 3:34 pm

Hi friends,

Im an expat from India and been in singapore for 3 months. Recently I looked a sharing accommodation, wherein 3 Bengali bachelors are staying. I was told that Rent would be SGD.400/- + PUB.

I wanted to say for few weeks hence i paid an advance of SGD.200/-. I stayed for only one night but could not stay more than that as the accommodation is unhygenic, very congested (more than 2 person cant stand together in a room) and not hv enough space even for dress chaning, etc. When I asked the person, whom i paid advance, to return the advance and take some amount for one night stay, he is coolly saying that he cant give back the advance immediately and will take 2 weeks time as he used the money, etc. He was telling too many excuses like this.

Tell me, what is the possibility of getting back my money. If at all, I would like to lodge a police complaint against them, wat is the procedure and the probablility of winning my claim.

Pls help.


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Post by durain » Fri, 16 May 2008 5:02 pm

did you sign a contract? is it a legit rental?

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Post by ksl » Sat, 17 May 2008 1:13 am

I would think it is illegal, there is I believe a set sq foot per person, limitation to stop overcrowding, the police raided a place not long back and found over 50 in one place, the owner was arrested. If one is not able to change, because of a lack of room, I would say, they are illegal. Unless it's in a designated foreign workers area.

I doubt if you will see your money again, although you can try to pressure, them, but be careful, you know what your own countrymen can be like...Just say return the money, and their will be no problem, if you leave without it, you will lodge a police rapport, make sure you have some witnesses around, for your own peace of mind.

Don't get into a fight here in Singapore, its not worth the hassle, you will be arrested and jailed, I would try the local community service and ask what you should do, or another help organisation, or welfare service. There will be one some where, ask around!

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