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Dog owner & get pregnant recently

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Dog owner & get pregnant recently

Post by yanagi » Mon, 12 May 2008 4:43 pm

I have a dog and sometime going out to dogrun playing with other dogs. But recently, my wife get pregnant. We heard a saying that dog may carrying a worm called Toxoplasma which is very dangerous to pregnant women. So, I like to know how to check both sides, us and our dog, to ensure that there is no any risk during my wife's pregnancy.

And, any expecience could be shared on feeding a dog during pregnancy and after giving birth? Baby is very important to us, but our dog is also one of us. you know.

BTW, this is the first time we having a baby and we are new to singapore, so may I have any suggestion on how to start the check with a good hospital? Actually, we just used pregnancy test stick ang got positive result. But what will be the next, how to start, and keep safe, totally no idea :o . So, your experience are most appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Post by aussiemeg » Tue, 13 May 2008 10:11 am

hi there

Congratulations. As I understood it it is cats that carry the toxoplasmosis worm not dogs and that is why during pregnancy the mum to be should never clean the cats litter, or observe extremely high hygene standards if she does. The most danger with a dog is it jumping on your abdomen which would have to be from a 3 storey building to cause any damage.

Since you clearly love your dog and have probably spoiled him/her rotten as the only "child" you need to do some socialisation for when bubs comes. Search the internet for that one there are some crazy ideas out there.

In terms of hospitals there are a heap of option. Find a ob you llike and go from there. I went with prof mary rauff at NUH to deliver my twins.

Hope this helps

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Post by franchy » Wed, 14 May 2008 4:37 pm

Hi there,

Congrats!! i can recommend, from experience (just deliver my baby boy less than 2 month ago), on Mount Elizabeth hospital.
The personnel were great, the room and all the rest.

My Dr. is Ann Tann - she did a great job.

Just make an appointment and the rest will come naturally.


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Post by yanagi » Wed, 14 May 2008 6:34 pm

Thanks for all your precious advice :D

Now my wife prepfer Mount Elizabeth to start our baby journey. Done some research and found Dr. selina Chua is quite popular, as well as Dr. Ann Tan suggested as Frankcy. Heard that Dr. Ann Tan is specilized in high risk pregnancy. As we are not young and this is our first baby, it seems Dr. Tan is a good choice. Any suggestion? or other Drs who specilizes in this could be recommended?

Also, will the appointment online be proceed quick or not? We plan to go for the first consultation and check on this sat. not sure whether got enough time to arrange an appointment. Btw, what normally should be ask or highlight for the first time check?

Very excited but also extremely nervous and wonder what to do. So your advice and help would be most appreciated. Thanks a lot!

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Post by mules » Thu, 15 May 2008 8:30 pm

just some tips to get your dog ready......

if there is any temprament issues with the dog that need to be addressed, do them now long before the baby arrives, so the dog doesn't associate the change with the baby's arrival

also, when the baby is in hospital with the mother, bring a blanket or item of clothing the baby has been with and let the dog smell it and become familiar with it. helps with the adjustment before you bring the baby home.

and just remember there's alot of positive benefits of kids and dogs together - it helps their immune system, etc

all the best!

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Post by BandA » Fri, 30 May 2008 10:06 am

Just wanted to add - if it's toxo you're worried about, the biggest risk comes from undercooked meat, not direct contact with animals. Make sure you order well done!

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Post by Narak » Sat, 31 May 2008 5:28 pm

I just gave birth 3 weeks ago and have had a Jack Russel for almost 3 years now. Prepare that doggie will feel jealous and may keep barking at the baby for the first week till he gets use to the smell and the sight of the baby. When feeding baby he might also come close to you and smell the baby or try to steal baby belongings.

Do not scold doggies. instead like what someone said earlier let doggie smell baby stuff. BUt overall dogs are quite harmless. Eventually the will learnt that baby is part of his life now too and will even grow to love the baby by secretly licking the baby.

HOWEVER, DO NOT TRUST THE DOG COMPLETELY. Animals will be animals never leave the dog alone or too close to baby without your hands shielding your baby.

Congrats though :)
Narak ;)
Land of Smiles-Thailand

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