My pet lizard comes out at night, quite dazed I must admit, after being locked up all day, the wife thinks its a bit too much to every night

god bless her!
Although its the bloody cat i have to watch, it jumps onto anything that moves,

and their tails are all over the place, except in the bedroom that is! I'd rather not get circumcised this late in life

so the cat is banned, when lizard wants out, oh well, sleep tight and mind the lizards don't bite.
Wait for the big ones to arrive, with the long creepy nails, my cat had one, cornered about 8 inches long it was, snarling like a wild animal, god knows what, it was, but it wasn't a giant gecko, that's for sure. I had to gently persuade my kitty, to let it go, and for a Singaporean drain creeper, she wasn't to pleased about it. Sport is sport in her eyes.