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London Pass. Is it worth to buy?

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London Pass. Is it worth to buy?

Post by roland_garros » Sat, 10 May 2008 9:41 am

Hi all,

need to know whether it's worth to buy London Pass. It says you can get free entry to most of the museums and attractions and you also get a free transportation (ie. tube, bus etc).

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Post by QRM » Sat, 10 May 2008 8:20 pm

I always thought it was a bit of a scam you can get normal day passes and weekly transport passes for a lot less, these can be used on all buses and underground stations within zone one.

Almost all the big museums art galleries etc. are free in London.

Each museum is huge, so it will take most of the day just visting one of them>

Heres a good route, take the boat fron central London, along the Thames to Greenwich.

Walk under the Thames via a Victorian tunnel to the north side of the river, catch the dockland light railway which takes you through Canary wharf, (worth seeing from the train but not really worth a stop).

Get off at Tower Bridge, see the Tower of London, cross Tower bridge and walk along the Thames to Borough market and take the tube back to central London, that a good day trip that gives you a good feel of London.

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travel pass are the best in London

Post by quentin4 » Fri, 20 Jun 2008 5:23 pm

I would advise you to take a weekly pass if you stay for a week, because unlike Singapore, you pay your pass and nothing else. You can do as many trips as you wish without single trip charge everytime.

The museums are indeed free for the main rooms, but the exhibitions are quite pricy. I would advise British museum (1 day) and the Natural history museum in Kensington which is one of the nicest building of London.

And after all this exercise you should try The Churchill Arms Pub, located on Churchstreet (Link between High Street Kensington and Notting Hill Gate) it is quite a museum too! One of the nicest pub in the UK and food is excellent and cheap. (thai food though...)



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