I´m a veterinarian coming from germany. as my husband will be sent to singapore next year, I am looking for a job there too. the work situation for me there is very good but as we are planning to found a family within the next years, there are some questions left. how do singapore employers react on the pregnancy of there employees? in germany it is forbidden to dismiss pregnant employees. is it the same in singapore? I read that there were 12 weeks of maternity leave (4 before and 8 after giving birth). Only parents of singaporian citizens are paid the full wages in this period. What about the others? And what are "normal" singaporians do after this time? in germany there is a period of 12 month where you get some money out of a state fund. And I read there were only few possibilities to find someone who cares about the child while you are at work. Do the singaporians all stay at home till they have a place at kindergarten, do they have only one income while this time or do they have maids? (How much does such a maid cost by the way?? $$$$$:shock:$$$$$)
A last question (if anyone is here who could answer) - is there a law to protect the unborn live? In germany it is forbidden to work as veterinarian while pregnancy (cause of x-rays, toxic substances you work with and the risk of infection which could cause abortion or handicap in the unborn).
How are your experiences with these terms? The official websites didnt give sufficient answer to me

thx a lot!!!