Hi All,
Unfortunately, they are not accepting Singaporeans
This is the reply I received from Ms Yoon:
Dear, Ms. XX
Thank you for your interesting and apply job for Korean Air Cabin Crew.
We are regret to inform that we recruit Malaysian, Indonesian & Thai only.
Sorry for your concerning ~
Thank you
Yoon, Jung Hwa
Deputy General Manager
Finance & General Admin
Kuala Lumpur
She didn't mention if they would be coming to Singapore to recruit, so I didn't ask again. I just replied thanking her for her prompt reply, and said that I hope Korean Air will be coming to recruit in Singapore soon.
Maybe if more Singaporeans wrote in to enquire, they would consider coming here to recruit us?!? Just a thought, as I am in a training line, we do consider opening up more classes / runs when we receive enquires from interested parties :p