Thanks … as always.
• BBQ – Learning that BBQs are expensive it looks like it is a bring item. Question, what about coals or gas? Is Gas available? Will US gas BBQ fit or convert to SG gas tanks? What about Coals.. if we bring a coal fired BBQ are coals available… can I bring them.
• Computers… most of our computers will take 110v US and 220/240v Eur. But the cords are all US plugs. What kind of cord plug should I get?
• AC transformer. In addition to the computer, I have about 8 USB hard drives and other peripherals. Most are only 110v US. Is it wish to bring a heavy duty transformer?
• Prescription Drugs. We plan on bringing a years worth of Prescription pills. (birth control, migraine, sleeping), stuff like that… any precautions or limits.
• Consumables – Soap, shampoo, make-up, ointments, dish-soap, hair and skin products. If we load up on these is there an issue with quaintly… again a year’s worth (or several boxes)
• New ver Old. I have read that tariffs apply to new items but not used items. If our items are still new in the original box (BBQ, Computer, TV, Etc) is there a problem?
• Extension cords – I hear Hardware Stores are few… assuming I can get the correct plugs, should we bring Extension cords or other hard to find Hardware?
• Jewelry – In addition to the stuff we wear … what about the typical western accumulation of rings, watches, and such… too much to be worn on flight.
• Foods – Dry goods and can goods… and maybe a few cans of olive oil… is there a issue with 4-5 boxes? Or the items themselves?
• Tools – We are going to leave or sell the power tools, but what about hand tools?
• TV- is Singapore in NTSC or PAL format?