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Post by Gilly » Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:39 pm

I have a question...

What are the local people doing on an expat forum arguing with expat's views?

This is my third expat experience and I have really come to value Expat forum's, but I just can't understand why so many local Singaporeans hang around these sites. Aprt from the women who are obviosuly looking for a nice white guy :wink: Sorry had to get that gag in.

Now that I've been here for a couple of months, I have more to contribute, so I'll be seing you.

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Post by ksl » Sun, 29 Jun 2008 3:43 am

This disparity may actually reflect differences in the pull of the women rather than of the men
Considering i had the pleasure of gaining my experience from woman, I will tend to agree with you. Most all men, are just phallic symbols, and when there are many to chose from, white ones, that is, then it's the spice of life.

First of all the attraction i have found, is more language, than anything else, and were better, to learn a language, than romping around in the sack.

Most women really hate being ignored, I've played the field on occasion, that way, after learning the art of seduction from women, especially married ones.

Women know what they want, but when they want it, not you, they are excellent strategists and want to be looked after, the highest bidder wins, at some point in time.

Unless you are like me, that doesn't give a toss, whether they come or go, you have to play them, like fine tuning a violin, and it depends how bad you want them, that is the problem.

It's not unusual at all, to see more white men, with Asian women, for one, thing, it isn't cool, for chicks to go hunting white meat, they get labeled, like it or not, SPG comes to mind, however I will say language and genetics, may play a role.

For many races want to be white, why I have no idea, because most whites, want to be black, well sunburned, anyway.

Then you have the big phallic symbol of the coloured guys, men again, playing the dildo role, that's all they are good for in the eyes of most women, besides the pay check that is.

Although it never lasts, because life is an illusion, and if you wish for more, more may come along. otherwise you have to settle for what you have got, and even then, you may have very much less, than you started with.

I think its a really terrific subject, and my opinion is that Asian women, that like western men, or other races, is simply because they have lost confidence in their own race, and women are getting their equal rights, with or without hubby's permission.

The Asian woman has had enough of playing the second fiddle, after marriage, while hubby works, rest and plays, most women close their eyes to it, and do exactly the same...

I was told by this mature beauty i fell in love with back in the 90's, that it was chique to go out with western men, she was a high class, she warned me not to fall in love with her, because she was a rich mans second fiddle for life, and she knew it.

He was also picking up the bills for our love affair, and i was introduced to him and his wife too... So Asians I believe, have a hard time kicking tradition, and their women know it in many circumstances.

Although that isn't to say it's like that in the lower rank and file, those that have a good command of English also want to move on, many women, may marry a person and have kids with another, genetic profiling isn't rare, it happens.....not too long ago, even a Singaporean married to a vietnamese found that out, when he tried to get PR for his daughter, and the blood test revealed the daughter wasn't his.

From my own point of view, I married a loser one time, which was enough to knock me out for 25 years, but in that 25 years, I have had a wonderful, rehabilitation with women, i could say it was my apprenticeship, I served them, when they wanted me, and i wanted them, it was a two way agreement, that lasted a life time, although they always said, it is better to have a real dildo, when needed, and use the miniature handbag version, when desperate.

Actually not all my women liked dildos, some liked leather and M&S which also took me by surprise, because i hate being handcuffed and slapped around, its just not my scene :lol:

I think i mentioned the night I was raped, and had to have an aids test, After all this ranting I will still stick to the conclusion, that English language is the main interest on a womans mind, with most Asians, thinking a better life awaits them, overseas, however, reality is something else.

Western women on the other hand, are a little reserved chasing Asians, they understand the stigma of chasing men, not just Asian men, but men in general, not all expats think that way of course.

My only other comment would be to say, Asians have as much chance as anyone else in the field of play, with Western chicks, and there English doesn't have to be so good, but they need a liitle more confidence to get out there and do it.

Asian men are far too polite, and well mannered in many cases, and probably sex is a taboo subject too, or they don't feel comfortable to discuss it, women on the other hand do, I have noticed, and are not afraid to open up, unless its with an Asian, so maybe the women feel tradition is lagging behind.
Last edited by ksl on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ksl » Sun, 29 Jun 2008 3:44 am

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Post by ksl » Sun, 29 Jun 2008 3:54 am

Gilly wrote:I have a question...

What are the local people doing on an expat forum arguing with expat's views?

This is my third expat experience and I have really come to value Expat forum's, but I just can't understand why so many local Singaporeans hang around these sites. Aprt from the women who are obviosuly looking for a nice white guy :wink: Sorry had to get that gag in.

Now that I've been here for a couple of months, I have more to contribute, so I'll be seing you.
Poor Gilly, a typical post, one can read them like a book, envy, jealousy, afraid of a little competition, bitchy, and in Singapore too, very impolite, and the gag is sure to backfire.

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Post by Levikane » Sun, 29 Jun 2008 11:38 am

sundaymorningstaple wrote:
banana wrote: PS: can we stick to the topic? otherwise it's like giving up the Holy Grail to debate whose e-penis is bigger.
Good idea. You're the one with the e-banana. :P

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Post by banana » Mon, 30 Jun 2008 2:53 pm

Gilly wrote:I have a question...

What are the local people doing on an expat forum arguing with expat's views?

This is my third expat experience and I have really come to value Expat forum's, but I just can't understand why so many local Singaporeans hang around these sites. Aprt from the women who are obviosuly looking for a nice white guy :wink: Sorry had to get that gag in.

Now that I've been here for a couple of months, I have more to contribute, so I'll be seing you.
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best guess

Post by TexasExpat » Mon, 30 Jun 2008 6:12 pm


I have to admit, I often wonder the same thing. I guess it's a voyeuristic thing in a way. With the number of foreigners that inhabit Singapore, I guess it's only natural for the local population to want to understand us better--"what do they really think of Singapore...and (gasp) what do they really think about us?"--along those lines.b

But, yes, I still find it a bit curious that so many seem to feel the need to observe and actively participate on what is obstensibly a forum set up to cater to the needs of the expat community here.

I certainly didn't spend my time surfing any of the Asian expat sites (and I'm assuming there are many) back when I lived in the US!


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Re: best guess

Post by maneo » Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:42 pm

TexasExpat wrote:I certainly didn't spend my time surfing any of the Asian expat sites (and I'm assuming there are many) back when I lived in the US!
Were you even aware that Asian expat sites existed before you left the US?

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Re: best guess

Post by pollyminaz » Mon, 30 Jun 2008 10:43 pm

TexasExpat wrote:Gilly-

But, yes, I still find it a bit curious that so many seem to feel the need to observe and actively participate on what is obstensibly a forum set up to cater to the needs of the expat community here.

Becaue the debate is about our lifestyles, our attitudes, our behaviours our everything. Because we care about how we are being viewed. Because sometimes expats views seem biased and unfair. Because it spice up the debate. Becaue a debate won't be interesting if everyone agrees on the same thing again and again.

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Re: best guess

Post by TexasExpat » Tue, 01 Jul 2008 12:06 am

maneo wrote:
TexasExpat wrote:I certainly didn't spend my time surfing any of the Asian expat sites (and I'm assuming there are many) back when I lived in the US!
Were you even aware that Asian expat sites existed before you left the US?

Maneo--Nope, I wasn't. As I said, what Asians (and I don't mean Asian-Americans) living in the US thought about my country or us as Americans wasn't anything I ever honestly gave one thought to.

pollyminaz wrote:
TexasExpat wrote:Gilly-

But, yes, I still find it a bit curious that so many seem to feel the need to observe and actively participate on what is obstensibly a forum set up to cater to the needs of the expat community here.

Becaue the debate is about our lifestyles, our attitudes, our behaviours our everything. Because we care about how we are being viewed. Because sometimes expats views seem biased and unfair. Because it spice up the debate. Becaue a debate won't be interesting if everyone agrees on the same thing again and again.
Pollyminaz--All good reasons and I would agree on most. I didn't say I had a problem with it or wanted it to stop, just that I found it a bit curious. This may be an expat site, but it's your country after all. The site's called "Singapore Expats" and not just "Expats" for a reason. :) I for one welcome the positive contributions from our Singaporean hosts.

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Re: best guess

Post by maneo » Tue, 01 Jul 2008 11:29 pm

TexasExpat wrote:
maneo wrote:
TexasExpat wrote:I certainly didn't spend my time surfing any of the Asian expat sites (and I'm assuming there are many) back when I lived in the US!
Were you even aware that Asian expat sites existed before you left the US?
Maneo--Nope, I wasn't. As I said, what Asians (and I don't mean Asian-Americans) living in the US thought about my country or us as Americans wasn't anything I ever honestly gave one thought to.
Not surprising.
I'm sure you're not alone in this way.
Enough said.

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Post by jpatokal » Thu, 03 Jul 2008 2:53 am

banana wrote:For every Asian that goes on census records, there are probably 10 "ghosts". As much as I personally find it distasteful, that's how resources are distributed in the Asian community.
Uhh... so your ghosts are counted in that part of the census that records interracial marriages, but not in that part which covers incomes, and in addition to the 15 million recorded US citizens of Asian descent there's another 150 million skulking about in the shadows? :???:

Let me teach you the First Rule of Holes: when you find yourself in one, stop digging :cool:
KTV lounges and Geylang brothels are but the more obvious displays. A lot of it has to do with linguistic nuances and communication subtleties that, quite honestly, I have trouble explaining. All I can say is keep in mind that when it comes to affairs sexual, Singaporeans speak in "code" and operate on certain things being "understood" so much so that unless you're part of that clique, it's unlikely you will get it.
OK, you're making me more and more curious. How about an example?

I mean, it's not like us non-Singaporeans would speak in "code" and operate on certain things being "understood". This is why my regular chat-up line is "Say, how about we go back to my place and I insert my penis into your vagina?" :-#
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Post by banana » Thu, 03 Jul 2008 10:30 am

jpatokal wrote: Uhh... so your ghosts are counted in that part of the census that records interracial marriages, but not in that part which covers incomes, and in addition to the 15 million recorded US citizens of Asian descent there's another 150 million skulking about in the shadows? :???:

Let me teach you the First Rule of Holes: when you find yourself in one, stop digging :cool:
You've never heard of shadow workers?

Since we're exchanging nuggets of wisdom, here's mine for you: when living in shelter all your life, don't compare tans ;)
jpatokal wrote: OK, you're making me more and more curious. How about an example?

I mean, it's not like us non-Singaporeans would speak in "code" and operate on certain things being "understood". This is why my regular chat-up line is "Say, how about we go back to my place and I insert my penis into your vagina?" :-#
Classy, personally I would've used "nice shoes, wanna f@ck?" But I guess you're playing up the geek chic with that line. :cool:
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Post by Gilly » Sun, 20 Jul 2008 1:17 am

ksl wrote:
Gilly wrote:I have a question...

What are the local people doing on an expat forum arguing with expat's views?

This is my third expat experience and I have really come to value Expat forum's, but I just can't understand why so many local Singaporeans hang around these sites. Aprt from the women who are obviosuly looking for a nice white guy :wink: Sorry had to get that gag in.

Now that I've been here for a couple of months, I have more to contribute, so I'll be seing you.
Poor Gilly, a typical post, one can read them like a book, envy, jealousy, afraid of a little competition, bitchy, and in Singapore too, very impolite, and the gag is sure to backfire.
Really KSL? What book are you reading? How do you read envy/jealousy (they are the same thing by the way, but I'll let that drop becuase the rest of your rant is so interesting and I'm intrigued). What competition exactly am I supposed to be scared of? Bitchy and impolite? You can't understand English I'm guessing (and based on your recent post in this thread, you can't communicate in it either) which makes me think you're an older local. Which then leads me to believe that you're a bit immature for your age. I doubt any 'normal' people would share your views, but you're a bit strange aren't you?

I share the same views as the other expat poster from Texas, I'm just curious, but I certainly don't object to local contributions. Many are very enlightening.

However, now and again, you do come across some illegible and somewhat annoying posts/ yours.

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question n the topic

Post by MomRazz » Mon, 28 Jul 2008 7:20 pm

hi melbournejustice

did you find what you were looking for? hot chicks, cheep drinks, cool croud? what can you recommend now? because this is about that what i like too ;-)

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