What's the difference? Long term expat = stable career = money. Don't think Homeless Bum Inc. has relocation packages. Just because it's not a fixed term transaction doesn't mean it's not about the money.jpatokal wrote:No, I wasn't referring to rent-a-girlfriends, very few long-term Western expats in Asia seem to need to resort to them.banana wrote:money talks a universal language. I'm sure melbournejustice was referring to the other type of "totty".jpatokal wrote:So why is it that white men in China, Japan, Korea, Thailand etc with zero local language ability manage to pull local totty in days?
Japan pixellates key areas of interest in pornography, prostitution is illegal in most 'civilised' Western countries and the Western male is more likely to take a simple comment like "nice jeans" to think you want to bend him over and redefine Roger Ramjet. I'm as self-assured of my overwhelming sex appeal as anyone but I can also take a compliment at face value.jpatokal wrote:Oh, c'mon. This is the country that bans lifelike dildos and feels the need to censor the illustrations on sex toys! Sure, the SPG set has seen it all, but I've seen local guys literally turn a bright shade of red because a woman sitting at the lunch table used the word "penis". And very, very few locals would be openly comfortable with their sexuality if it involves anything other than plain vanilla heterosexuality.You need to get out more. Or look a little deeper.jpatokal wrote: Bwahaha! Certainly not in Singapore.
Explain all you like, but the statistical fact remains that (in the US) there are three times more Asian women married to white men than Asian men married to white women.banana wrote:What's the difference? Long term expat = stable career = money. Don't think Homeless Bum Inc. has relocation packages. Just because it's not a fixed term transaction doesn't mean it's not about the money.
...whereas Singapore bans it wholesale and still wraps Cosmo in plastic to avoid corrupting youth.banana wrote:Japan pixellates key areas of interest in pornography
My point is simply that Singapore's government and a good many Singaporeans are prudes, and not "generally more comfortable with their sexuality than Westerners" as melbournejustice asserted earlier.On the other hand, there are also Western males who will pretend to be all gentleman like and get offended when someone mentions "pussy" in the presence of a woman. What's your point?
thanks for that tit bit of useless information (you saw what I did there?jpatokal wrote:Explain all you like, but the statistical fact remains that (in the US) there are three times more Asian women married to white men than Asian men married to white women.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracia ... Statistics
Have they banned Fashion TV whole sale? I remember Zouk and Fashion Bar used to screen them quite publicly. Anyway my point was that every country has different standards of censorship. And that makes your initial argument, of banning lifelike dildos as an indication of how sexually immature Singaporeans are, rather weak.jpatokal wrote:...whereas Singapore bans it wholesale and still wraps Cosmo in plastic to avoid corrupting youth.Fer chrissake, I can watch Fashion TV in Abu bleeping Dhabi, but not in Singapore, because it's got... gasp... skimply clad models! And I can't get a satellite dish either, because those are banned too.
jpatokal wrote: My point is simply that Singapore's government and a good many Singaporeans are prudes, and not "generally more comfortable with their sexuality than Westerners" as melbournejustice asserted earlier.
Are you now disagreeing with that?banana wrote:thanks for that tit bit of useless information (you saw what I did there?jpatokal wrote:Explain all you like, but the statistical fact remains that (in the US) there are three times more Asian women married to white men than Asian men married to white women.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracia ... Statistics) Your debate was that white men in Asian countries could 'pull local totty in a matter of days'.
My mistake -- Google indicates that Starhub added Fashion TV to its lineup in Nov 2006. Hooray for Midnight HotHave they banned Fashion TV whole sale?
So you think there's no correlation between a government's censorship policies and the prudishness/sexual maturity of its citizens?Anyway my point was that every country has different standards of censorship. And that makes your initial argument, of banning lifelike dildos as an indication of how sexually immature Singaporeans are, rather weak.
No, I am not disagreeing with the phenomena although pulling statistics from a different region with an entirely different socio-cultural setting is hardly considered good debate etiquette! Relevance aside, your after-the-fact explanation is still weak - the average Asian male in the US may be richer than the average US white male but we all know how averages work out, just look at the "average" income in Singapore.jpatokal wrote:Are you now disagreeing with that?banana wrote:thanks for that tit bit of useless information (you saw what I did there?jpatokal wrote:Explain all you like, but the statistical fact remains that (in the US) there are three times more Asian women married to white men than Asian men married to white women.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracia ... Statistics) Your debate was that white men in Asian countries could 'pull local totty in a matter of days'.
Earlier, you replied with "money talks a universal language", meaning -- do correct me if I'm wrong -- that you agree the phenomenon exists, but you think it's the money that's drawing Asian women to white men.
So I gave you some stats to show that, even in a country like the US where the distribution of wealth between Asians and whites is fairly equal, white men are still marrying Asian women at a disproportionate rate. (Statistically -- more Wikipedia -- Asian males are in fact on average richer than white males!) Thus, money cannot be the only factor.
Then how?
had me worried there for a moment!jpatokal wrote:My mistake -- Google indicates that Starhub added Fashion TV to its lineup in Nov 2006. Hooray for Midnight HotHave they banned Fashion TV whole sale?
Correlation, perhaps, perhaps not. Influence, yes. I'd say like most things governments everywhere tries to control, it changes how a certain activity is conducted more than stunting it altogether. Especially a behaviour as intrinsic to human nature as sexual expression. It is there, just better hidden, more "sophisticated" (for lack of a better term) and apparently not evident to you.jpatokal wrote:So you think there's no correlation between a government's censorship policies and the prudishness/sexual maturity of its citizens?Anyway my point was that every country has different standards of censorship. And that makes your initial argument, of banning lifelike dildos as an indication of how sexually immature Singaporeans are, rather weak.
Ah, the fallacy of statistics, the third lie.jpatokal wrote:Explain all you like, but the statistical fact remains that (in the US) there are three times more Asian women married to white men than Asian men married to white women.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interracia ... Statistics
Must've missed that one back in debate club...banana wrote:No, I am not disagreeing with the phenomena although pulling statistics from a different region with an entirely different socio-cultural setting is hardly considered good debate etiquette!
Ok, now I'm going to insist on you showing some stats to back that up, because I'm pretty sure you're pulling that out of your ass. The figures I quoted earlier were median incomes, so it is true that the average Asian man is richer than the average white guy in the US.So in fact, what you're saying actually supports the "money as universal language" argument. More white men are marrying Asian women because wealth distribution is more equal among whites than among Asians. ie; it's not true that the average Asian man is richer but as a whole they are.
So you still think it's all about the money? Here's a statistical conundrum for you then: the median black income in the US is around two-thirds of the median white income. You'd thus expect "poor" black women to be marrying up to "rich" white guys, right? Yet there are 2.5x more black men marrying white women than the other way around. Why?There are simply more big spending white guys than there are Asian dudes. And that nicely segues into cultural differences. Certain women are attracted to people who spend, or who they think will spend, on them. White guys tend to fall into that category more than Asian dudes, therefore white guy gets more poon. But. That's not the kind of poon melbournejustice was talking about. I think.
OK, I'm genuinely curious now. Please tell me a few ways in which how sexual expression in Singapore is better hidden and more "sophisticated" than in the West, and thus not evident to a misguided ang moh like me. Horny uncles molesting their live-in maids? KTV lounges and Geylang brothels?banana wrote:Correlation, perhaps, perhaps not. Influence, yes. I'd say like most things governments everywhere tries to control, it changes how a certain activity is conducted more than stunting it altogether. Especially a behaviour as intrinsic to human nature as sexual expression. It is there, just better hidden, more "sophisticated" (for lack of a better term) and apparently not evident to you.
Gotta start somewhereI mean seriously, you are not saying lifelike dildos will bring about some kind of orgiastic revolution to blow us all away, are you?
guess sojpatokal wrote:Must've missed that one back in debate club...![]()
For every Asian that goes on census records, there are probably 10 "ghosts". As much as I personally find it distasteful, that's how resources are distributed in the Asian community. Still, I indeed do not have statistics to back that up so dismiss it if you must.jpatokal wrote:Ok, now I'm going to insist on you showing some stats to back that up, because I'm pretty sure you're pulling that out of your ass. The figures I quoted earlier were median incomes, so it is true that the average Asian man is richer than the average white guy in the US.
So you still think it's all about the money? Here's a statistical conundrum for you then: the median black income in the US is around two-thirds of the median white income. You'd thus expect "poor" black women to be marrying up to "rich" white guys, right? Yet there are 2.5x more black men marrying white women than the other way around. Why?
KTV lounges and Geylang brothels are but the more obvious displays. A lot of it has to do with linguistic nuances and communication subtleties that, quite honestly, I have trouble explaining. All I can say is keep in mind that when it comes to affairs sexual, Singaporeans speak in "code" and operate on certain things being "understood" so much so that unless you're part of that clique, it's unlikely you will get it. Even if you're another Singaporean.jpatokal wrote:OK, I'm genuinely curious now. Please tell me a few ways in which how sexual expression in Singapore is better hidden and more "sophisticated" than in the West, and thus not evident to a misguided ang moh like me. Horny uncles molesting their live-in maids? KTV lounges and Geylang brothels?
Viva la revolution! Viva la dildo!jpatokal wrote:Gotta start somewhereI mean seriously, you are not saying lifelike dildos will bring about some kind of orgiastic revolution to blow us all away, are you?
Affairs of the heart are much more complex than can be explained by such trivial concerns as who would spend more.jpatokal wrote:So you still think it's all about the money? Here's a statistical conundrum for you then: the median black income in the US is around two-thirds of the median white income. You'd thus expect "poor" black women to be marrying up to "rich" white guys, right? Yet there are 2.5x more black men marrying white women than the other way around. Why?There are simply more big spending white guys than there are Asian dudes. And that nicely segues into cultural differences. Certain women are attracted to people who spend, or who they think will spend, on them. White guys tend to fall into that category more than Asian dudes, therefore white guy gets more poon. But. That's not the kind of poon melbournejustice was talking about. I think.
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