I have recently agreed to join an organisation in Singapore in a Corporate Managerial position, commencing June 2008. I will be mobilizing directly from my current posting in the US, although I am a British Citizen.
The organisation that I am joining has been very helpful, and they have advised that they will set the wheels in motion to assist with my Employment Pass application. They suggest that they will be applying for a P1 EP for me...
Here's my query; without travelling back to the UK (which would be at my own expense) I will not get access to my Professional qualifications. Over the years I have taken many copies of the qualifications, for multiple VISA applications, but like the dope that I am, I have no copies left to support the P1 application! Note - My academic qualifications are rather pitiful anyway to be honest. I do not have a degree.
Will I need to bite the bullet and travel back to Blighty to get my bit's and pieces, or will the Singapore authorities accept my reasoning?
For information - My Salary will be approxiamately 22k Sing per month plus accomodation etc.
Many thanks