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Can anyone recommend a good pediatrician around the east?

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Can anyone recommend a good pediatrician around the east?

Post by judaspriest » Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:07 am

Hi all, do you have a favourite / good pediatrician around the east to recommend for a 6-year old kid? I've been going to a local GP (actually tried three of them near home) for a persistent and intermittent health problem but there seems to be no real improvement, and they simply treat the symptoms with a 'band-aid / duct-tape' style treatment. This doesn't get to the root cause.

These are panel doctors in my company's insurance scheme, but I'm none too happy with any of them around here. Thanks.

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Location: East Coast

Post by britchick » Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:51 am


Sorry to hear about your child's health problems. I'm going to be absolutely no blinking use coz we haven't tried or needed to find a paediatrician yet (touch wood) - am jumping on your bandwagon and will be watching the thread for any recommendations coz we're east coast too.

We are however in the market for a gp and since your in the same area wondered who you'd tried. Was planning on taking my daughter to the clinic on the Upper East Coast road since its the closest - think its C & K Family Clinic - Dr Lian, its one of the panel clinics for our scheme. My little girl is not ill but is due her HIB and Men C boosters (UK vaccination schedule).

While I'm at it - what does anyone out there suggest - is it a paediatrician thing out here - jabs I mean, or am I ok going to GP like I would at home. Any wisdom gratefully received - severely lacking it here.

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour.

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Post by judaspriest » Wed, 30 Apr 2008 1:34 pm

As far as vaccinations are concerned, almost any clinic would do. They're pretty standard around here. Till now I've got the vaccines done at a nearby clinic in Simei (Trinity medical). However for anything non-standard, that needs specialised diagnosis (which is the case with my child), I found them lacking.

Amelia Camelia
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Parkway Parade Paediatrician

Post by Amelia Camelia » Fri, 02 May 2008 9:12 am

Hello everyone,

I'd like to thoroughly recommend Dr Vasanthi (Call me Dr Vas!) in the Kinder Clinic in Parkway Parade. She works in the mornings only. You can either phone for an appointment or just walk in and wait (usually not for very long at all). In the afternoons she works in the Paragon.

She's possibly the bubbliest person on earth, very competent, I find her to be slightly over-the-top admistering medicines but I'm from the UK where you have to be practically dying to get antibiotics! But the main thing is that she has successfully diagnosed a couple of things early that would have been more troublesome if she had not have spotted them until later.

Tel # 6342 4821.

The clinic is on the 5th floor, go to the 4th floor then access the 5th floor via a short set of escalators, or there is a lift behind the slimming/beauty clinic, turn right and follow it round to the right in the corner.

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Joined: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 1:27 pm

Post by judaspriest » Sun, 04 May 2008 1:11 pm

Hmm.. thanks for the suggestions. We visited Kinder clinic this week, but not Dr. Vas - we met Dr. Pradeep who we found very competent compared to the other docs we've consulted locally in the east. Looks all right for now. Let's see if his recommendations work well. I will update this thread after some days.

One thing to note, though - Kinder clinic is not cheap. But I guess you get what you pay for, to some extent.

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