by Puerto » Tue, 21 Jul 2009 12:48 am
The following is the text of a complaint I've sent to Saxo Bank.
I wish to lodge the following formal complaint regarding Saxo Bank management and staff and the product SaxoTrader.
1. You are providing data ("Previous Close") which is not correct.
2. The data is such as to invalidate daily charts and all studies based on "Previous Close" data.
3. Such data is critical to investors.
4. You have been aware of this problem for some time.
5. You have deliberately withheld knowledge of this problem from clients.
6. Your staff acknowledge that there is a complete lack of transparency
regarding problems including those that can have a major impact on the
profit/loss of trades entered into by clients.
7. They say "I agree that we *could* be more transparent with our
known issues", but they have have done nothing to rectify this situation. (My emphasis)
8. I have requested details on what they propose to do to rectify the
situation, but have not received any reply other than vague promises of
“a better overview of outstanding technical problems”