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Need help with placement (choosing location)

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Need help with placement (choosing location)

Post by Germanshep » Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:20 pm

Hey there!!
We are considering moving from NJ,USA to Singapore. I got lucky in the USA. I have a single house with attached garage with the neighbor; what we call Ranch type property here ; for $1600/month. commuting distance away and schools are awesome. So , now, where can I find a nice quiet locality similar to this. And I am a little lost with the rent structure. They show astronomical prices of 4000 singapore dollars etc. Is that for a month?
Wow!! That's s lot. I love North East climate and can manage till Florida. Is the climate comparable to NJ/NY summer, maybe.
Please advise.
German Shepherd Me!!

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Post by durain » Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:39 pm

dude, you got a lot of research to do if you want to relocate to singapore! do you yahoooooooooooooooooo? also, do a search on this forum.

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Post by cbavasi » Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:34 am

I would say that the climate is pretty close to NYC in August (all year round). But allow for rain spells. $4000 is in no way astronomical for SG - and you should see what is being listed at $4000 - probably no where near what you are expecting coming from the US. :?

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Post by Loops » Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:43 am

S$4,000 is quite cheap at the moment, so you will get a bit of a surprise when you arrive.

I'm not familiar with US houses, so can't really say about that, but even by my standards (UK), houses here are quite cramped as to the amount of land they have around them (ie not much garden for your money), but having said that, they do have a lot of space inside, which, I guess, is quite sensible as it is where most spend their time.

To get an idea of the humidity/temperature - visit a hot house if you can, in a botanic garden (or equivalent) . That's what it is like most of the time here.

Assuming you have children, and assuming they are going to the American School, then Woodlands could very well be your best area (although it is far out of the centre of the city and you may end up paying much more than you are paying now in rent).

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Post by Germanshep » Thu, 01 May 2008 1:44 am

Thanks , guys. Yes, Loops, my daughter is 8 years old and attends the local school here. I am a firm believer that children should experience things of life and learn not just mathematics , science etc . So, that leaves me with the American schools in Singapore. As you mentioned, woodlands would mean major rental expense. To top that, I have a pet who has traveled with us from India to US, lived here with us for 5 years now and would be coming to Singapore. So a yard would be a major plus.
A "hot house" you said!!! Boooo Hoooo!!! I hate warm weather. My German shepherd would too. SO, that means he should be inside air conditioned living till the sun gets down. Is the electricity costly there?
From, what I read everything is costly in Singapore ; then how does any body save anything? Why do people flock to Singapore?
I must be missing something here.
Please keep on the advice rolling in , guys. I need tons of them!!!
Thanks ,
German Shepherd Me!!

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Post by Germanshep » Thu, 01 May 2008 1:51 am

Hey cbavasi,
Are you from New York? They say that Singapore is the Asian New York. Is that true? Manhattan is also costly beyond comprehension as far as rental goes, so we stay in NJ and commute to Manhattan for work.
But, I guess, driving in Singapore is also out. I heard that cars are a huge commodity to bear. Can we have say cheap cars? something which is not fancy but moves safely?
German Shepherd Me!!

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Post by cbavasi » Thu, 01 May 2008 9:20 pm

Germanshep - I lived in New York almost 8 years (with a brief stint in San Francisco in between) - I don't think I would ever say that Singapore is the Asian New York.... then again, for me nothing will ever be like New York. Rentals are comparable - the closer you live in the city, the more expensive. I think the thing about Singapore is similar to NYC - it's easy to spend money - but you can also figure out the best places to save money. Local transport instead of taxis, wet markets and Fair Price instead of expat supermarkets, hawker stalls instead of expat restaurants... etc. The school thing will blow your socks off. There are waiting lists a mile long and the tuition costs are very high. You should check around on other schools other than just SAS... do a search on this forum for schools - especially in the Parenting section. I've mentioned this before on this site but I went to school in Canada from 6-12 years old and had no problem transitioning back into an American school. So have a look around. In re: to a car - also do a search - there have been a lot of discussions about it. Car will run you $75k+ or leasing about $1500+ per month. Also need to include parking, ERP & gas.
Hope this helps a little bit.

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Post by durain » Thu, 01 May 2008 10:02 pm

i would say hongkong is more of the asia version of NYC than singapore.

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Post by Germanshep » Fri, 02 May 2008 12:41 am

Thanks, cbavasi and Durain.
So, Singapore has two sides to a coin. H mm. Yes, school is very worrisome. Especially since we would know for sure about the transfer to Singapore only by June.
God!! There is so much to do. But, thanks , guys!! you are making the transition as easy as possible.
Also , as suggested , I checked out rentals and then, realized that 4000 is pittance. What I saw and liked have been priced at 12k - 20k. Now, do most companies take care of school and rent (or a part of it at least)? Or does the government help out here in any way? Just curious, since most people would not be able to afford so much.

By the way,do any of you have pets? How are big dogs looked at? My chap is a gentle giant. I have all the children in the community here playing with him but when you look at him , he resembles a wolf!!!

Keep pouring the suggestions. Thanks to you, I am learning new and easier ways to adapt to a difficult situation. :)
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Post by ksl » Fri, 02 May 2008 1:57 am

but having said that, they do have a lot of space inside, which, I guess, is quite sensible as it is where most spend their time.
Compared to UK, even Chickens have bigger runs :oops: and now the pub life is also suffering, where to go and live? :( New joke in UK,) Have you seen the new one piece sofa set, or the one piece sweet haha ha! :lol: Those new houses, are really no bigger than a pigoen pen!

German wolf dog, taste good in pot! Don't let it out of your sight! Only joking :) In fact there is a german shep acroose from where I live, he's out most of the time scaring people...not at all friendly.

American School also expensive lah! Send to local school, get real education, in Singlish, Can!

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Post by Germanshep » Fri, 02 May 2008 2:45 am

Hey Ksl,

Any serious advice would be highly appreciated. Sorry if I lost the joke about "the wolf dog in the pot" . I am not sure my daughter would be thrilled speaking English the way you are, so maybe, I could go easy on the Singapore schools and Singlish!!! :lol:
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Post by durain » Fri, 02 May 2008 2:49 am

i think ksl was hungry when he mentioned chicken and wolf dog. :)

if you speak proper queen's english, people will just look at you wondering what language you are taking about. but with a little added singlish, they will understand better! :P

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Post by Germanshep » Fri, 02 May 2008 2:53 am

Where are you from ,Durain? How was the transition for you?
German Shepherd Me!!

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