I am a Singapore Citizen by birth. My parents are English (Singapore PR) and I lived/did my schooling in England. I am basically a Caucasian other than my passport. I returned at 18 and served my NS and received my good conduct certificate.
I wish to take up a British passport. I know that Singapore does not allow Dual Citizenship above 21 years of age, and if they find out they will force me to choose (this is why I'm asking you guys rather than the Immigration people!). So, let's assume that one way or another, I will have to give up my citizenship. Preparing for the worst if you want to put it that way.
So, what happens? Given the above (fulfilled NS and all), will I be barred from entering Singapore again? How about working in Singapore if it comes to that in the future? I think I've done all that can be asked of me and I don't want to permanently close any doors or burn bridges.
I'm sure people will ask why I don't just live in the UK with PR (right of abode) which I do have - well basically I don't want to be known as a foreigner, I don't want to feel like I'm lying when I tell my friends that I'm British, I basically don't feel a connection with Singapore (no offense to anyone) - I feel like I'm a citizen of some random foreign country and a visitor in my home whenever I have to get my passport out.
So, any thoughts? Thanks for your time.