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by mrdodge » Sat, 27 Sep 2008 1:46 pm
For those still interested, my wife and I both work and have a a 3 year old and one on the way and have a Filipina nanny/helper. Its not easy finding someone suitable, but it is certainly possible.
Part of the answer is to have a sensible employment agent who can understand your requirements. In our case, we had a referral to someone who has been dealing with expats for a long while, so she knew what we were after and was able to screen out the unsuited candidates. Agents catering for the local market have the implicit assumption that there will be an extended family present and that a healthy (and cheap) pair of hands is all you need as their will be onsite supervision, not true in our case.
Having said that it still took a while - I was astonished to hear some of the answers to questions like - "the baby has had an accident and it has hurt its head and bleeding, who do you do?" - ranging from waiting for Sir to come home, to calling a security guard, so there is a lot of weeding out to do.
However, competent, trustworthy, friendly nannys are around. We've done this twice now, as our first helper got married and left to have a family, so are pretty confident its doable.