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by restlessguy » Thu, 03 Jul 2008 8:23 pm
I did manage to talk to an MOM officer numerous times and even send email to them. The first time I went there, the officer just told me a very standard answer, she said just make an appeal. The next visit was kinda rude, the officer told me to pack my bag and head back to my country, what a customer service!. The next visit, this is after the appeal is rejected, the officer told me that she cannot reveal the reason of rejection. Then I receive a mail from MOM stating that there was this crap police case against me. The next visit, I told the officer that I went to the police and even to the courts to see if this case is valid, to my relief I'm clean. So I told the MOM officer that after all this time and wasted months, that they never even investigated the truth about this police case and that they just stick it to their heads and rejected me straight on. After months of applying for another job, somebody took me and apply again but then again it was rejected. I went to see again an MOM officer and the same answer - just appeal. It like people can just file a false police case, give it to MOM and MOM gladly blacklist the poor guy without even spending a second investigating. I remember then my ex-boss told me that they know someone in MOM that's why they can hire people even without proper credential, and I cant help but think that they have influence inside.