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IS it enough ?

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IS it enough ?

Post by natawat » Sat, 19 Apr 2008 4:19 pm


I'm a married with 2 kids and I've been offered a job in Singapore . The company will pay for health cover but nothing else. They have offered around S$60,000 so it could vary. My question is , is this enough to rent a reasonable appartment and get by on + being able to save some money as well ?


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I doubt it

Post by Asdracles » Sat, 19 Apr 2008 4:36 pm

It depends on lifestyle, of course, but .....

Im around that money, but with house allowance included, and single, and I can do it, but....

If you plan to rent a basic HDB flat, you will spend like 1.5K in a not so great location (going to west, east or north), so we have already spent like 18K only in housing. If you want an apartment, expense will be much higher, of course.

Then is the school fees. Dont know too much about that. And of course, different if you join local or international, but is also some money to count.

Then, let us know if you plan to have a car and if the answer is yes, I can already tell you that.... no way! If the answer is no, think about how are you going to travel to work and so.

Good news is that with that income, taxes will be like 1K per year

As usual, we need more information about what do you want to do and how do you plan to live. Also, of course, make a comparison with your lifestyle now in your actual place. This is a bit over the average local income, but you must think really seriously if is worth enough to move to Singapore.

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IS it enough ?

Post by natawat » Sat, 19 Apr 2008 5:24 pm

thanks you sir.
i forget to inform you that the 60 K$s is after tax
and they also offer the traveliing cost 8 K$S per year
i not plan to have a car.
is it enought ?

other question my wife has salon profressioinal ,she aslo will looking for the job ,can you also advise .

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Accomodation is the key

Post by Asdracles » Sat, 19 Apr 2008 7:02 pm

As I wrote, Im single, so I cant advise you about the family expenses like school and so.

If you are not going to have a car, just you must think how much are you going to use train/bus/taxi. Would be useful to know where are you from, as transportation here is much cheaper than most of Europe, as example.

That after tax, as I told you, is little difference, as tax is really small in that amount.

The main key is accomodation again. Is that HDB ok? Which area are you looking for? Where is your work? This is going to be the main expense in SG for you, so you must plan it carefully.

But also, Which kind of lifestyle do you have? Lot of outings? Eating style? Staying at home most of the time? Travelling?

The question "Is it enough?" need lot of parameters!!

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Post by quidsin » Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:38 pm


I have two kids and was being paid double that and couldn't survive. You need to take into account the following:

Home - only option is HDB $1.5-$2k p/m
School - only option is a state school (free), intl school costs about $1k p/m for each kid
Utilities (TV, phone,Gas, Elec, Water)- Budget $400k per month
Groceries - Budget $1000 per month min (shop in Giant)
Pension - you contribute here as well as the company, $900 p/m otherwise opt out.

So, I'd say if you were going for bear minimum...Home, utilities and groceries you'd be left with $1.5-2k per month based on $5 income per don't make pretty reading I'm afraid

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