Winxkid wrote:I believe We should not doubt Justin's business acumen. Some made it big, some don't. That's business

There is some truth in that, although the idea is, to minimise your risk, by seeking help from those with experience...That is why they have chambers of commerce and trade offices, research and knowledge from those actively involved in China cannot be ignored.
There is no doubt, that Justin is better off knowing what to be aware of, than not knowing, what to be aware of and to think, he gets the advice free, much better than paying 200$ an hour to hear the same!
Export consultants, normally specialise in their field of expertise, and the emerging markets they wish to operate in, are thoroughly investigated, with Country profiles, and market intelligence, businessmen do their business, and normally when they wish to expand into other Countries, they seek professional help, through people like me.
Who had paid the extra 6500 pound sterling 1980 rates, for 16 weeks live in course at the Export Academy...There is a terrific amount of data available for potential businesses wanting to export or setup in a foreign Country, if one requests, the professional help.
It's there speciality to be up to date, on International Trade and market data, it doesn't come cheap, i can tell you that!
Professionals to be honest, wouldn't do half the silly mistakes, that Asian businesses make today, especially at international trade shows.
A little example comes to mind, because I am representing a Company for a week, so they present me with my business card...which is correct in Chinese, as a senior manager, yet the English title is exclusive manager, and I'm still scratching my head...
These are big businesses, that make very silly errors at very important international trade exhibitions. They make the same errors with advertising material in Singlish, or SMS language or English that has been translated online and sent to the printers.
I mean you just do not present, material to international tradesmen, unless it's correct, and understandable, and the reason is quite simple to understand...If a businessman is not bothered about is advertising, he can hardly be bothered about the products he's trying to sell.
For what it costs, to send translation to be done correctly, is so little, when compared to the amount of trade lost, because professionals, believe the companies are to sloppy, lack discipline, and order to present their products, how, can they care about customer service and RMA, if you do the job right, you are likely to succeed...
So the truth is, those, that help themselves, to minimise errors in business, live a little longer, if your good, your good, and if you are bad, you lose everything. Another thing people don't take to seriously is their competition, one should never underestimate the competition, they maybe better prepared, than yourself.
At the end of the day, one makes judgement on the data at hand, one must ensure the data, is verified. That's just good advice, and its free, so Justin I believe is very lucky to get free advice, it gives him something to consider and act on, if he wants.
His first step, must be, to get the information verified!

to give himself peace of mind!
Constructive criticism is worth its weight in gold, however many misunderstand the point!
I often say to people, why did you do that, when you know the procedure, I get critisized myself for being a perfectionist, although i am a long way off being a perfectionist, I stick by the book, as much as possible to avoid errors, because there are too many rules, one cannot remember them all.
So a check list is very important, to jog the memory! (especially in old age)