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by QRM » Wed, 09 Apr 2008 1:53 pm
If someone found a genuine way to get rid of cellulite, expand your boobs and grow hair everyone would be using it, the whole world will be full of cellulite free big boob women accompanied by men with flowing locks of hair and big willys.
The firm that discovers it will be as big if not bigger than Microsoft.
Take Viagra for example before there was hundreds of strange fake cures, then a product comes along that actually works and everyone hears of it and the company makes a fortune. Everyone knows Aspirin and Panadol because they work!!
Those amazing photos of celebrities have all been airbrushed, in fact there are lots of photos of famous women with huge lumps of cellulite, if they can’t find a solution with their fortune and contacts what chance has an average house wife in Bukit Batok of finding a cream that works?
Two word that spring to mind SNAKE OIL. Use the money to splash out on a decent holiday with friends and family.