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who does the plavt thinks he is?

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who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by ffffff » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 9:03 pm

always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?

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Post by caryssa » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 9:31 pm

cool down my dear...1st,of coz this is not the only forum that have SIA information..but all of us r here to share informations n not to argue about the space..2nd, all of us r not his a forumer,v juz respect plavt for he is as a moderator of this forum...PEACE my dear
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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by Plavt » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:16 pm

ffffff wrote:always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?

First of all I have not and did not ask anybody not to post new threads. Should you care to re-read and more importantly understand what I wrote: I wrote: 'please do not make the same post across several threads, it is regarded as spam - FORUM RULES!' In addition I have advised some there is no need to start a new thread as often the information they require is already there. I do not take kindly to your remarks since moderators are not paid! The people here are hardly like my dogs since some correct me when I make mistakes and others actually argue. Since it would appear you have only one post I suggest you read up a few posts in the general discussions under 'stickies' instead of diving in here and simply showing your ignorance! :tongue:
Last edited by Plavt on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 5:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by queenie-me » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 10:21 pm

ffffff wrote:always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?
And you are so... :mad:

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Post by jencrs » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:13 pm

Plavt thinks he's........ the moderator? Oh wait, is this one of those rhetorical things i keep hearing about? Damn......

Anyway, ffffff (hope i got your name right) isn't it a school night? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping already? If I remember correctly primary school starts pretty early in the morning.

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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by rev12000 » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:25 pm

ffffff wrote:always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?
:lol: I doubt you will be getting any agreeing parties here.
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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by isabelle85 » Wed, 02 Apr 2008 1:30 am

ffffff wrote:always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?
My dear, Plavt has his reasons for doing so, can you imagine how messy and disorganised the forum will be if he didn't administer all these 'rules'. At least, I know which sub-forum to enter when I reach the airlines careers page and it's not a dumping ground of topics.

Moreover, he do listen to us out and there is always room for negotiation. And he state his stand clear, firm but it's not rude. If you think he is unreasonable, you really have not been to other types of forums.

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Post by cancerian12 » Wed, 02 Apr 2008 12:31 pm

i just realised that i would need to have enuff posts b4 i could PM other forumers.

well, kindly be polite to everyone here, be diplomatic, cos u will nvr know who u r gonna meet n what kinda help u need.

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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by singaporegrrl » Wed, 02 Apr 2008 1:21 pm

ffffff wrote:always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?
You were thinking people are gonna agree with you, weren't you? If you ask me, you sound more like a kid just like what jencrs said. Grow up before even thinking of SIA.

Why don't post new threads? Honestly, I'm irritated when people open one when the questions have been answered MANY TIMES. And you have no right to call us dogs. Many of us have build a good relationship and we do agree on many things pertaining to the forum. I'm sure many forumers here feel the same way. Can't you just read already? If you're too lazy to read or do some research on your own, don't even think about budget airlines, what more international airlines.

When you become a cabin crew, you are expected to be initiative and know your stuffs by hard. Don't be surprise if you don't survive in this industry for long. Most people leave after the bond ends although they have tried so hard and so many times to land this job. In Emirates, there is no bond, I know of a few who left even before they complete their training. You think cabin crew is an easy job? You wish!

We all know this is not the only forum with SIA information and tips. So if you're not happy with this forum, why bother coming here at all? Why did you even bother to post something?
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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by bluexob » Wed, 02 Apr 2008 6:07 pm

ffffff wrote:always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?
Even the information is not much...But at least, they willing to share this piece of info so at least during the interview later on, have a roughly idea of how its gonna be like or getting prepare for myself otherwise i'll be blur blur like sotong!!!....and newbie like myself appreaciate tat :D
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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by Blur » Wed, 02 Apr 2008 9:38 pm

ffffff wrote:always asking ppl not to post new threads?why?need money is it?and you all are like his dogs.must listen to him is it?you think only here got SIA information is it?

Horrible... insensible... childish. :-| :?

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Re: who does the plavt thinks he is?

Post by Des » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 12:09 am

Think before wat U wanna starts before everyone starts shooting bullet back on you...coz words hurts...Humans being got feeling infact animals also have only thing they can't speak...

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Post by divine_genie » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 11:53 am

i'm amused by fffff's post.. Sounds so much like ah beng/ah lian scolding someone.. So hokkien! So childish! So funny!

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Post by momopeach » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 1:29 pm

i'm so appalled by fffff...
dont tell me u delibrately register a new a/c so that u can flame the moderator?

anyway i hardly think u will have a need to visit this forum
with such an appalling character like yours, i doubt any airlines would wanna hire u..
if u do happen to get into a certain airline, pray do tell us which one so that we can avoid at all cost. wouldn't like to stain our reputation working for an airline that just simply hire anyone off the streets, & possibly one that provides bad service.

and in case u are too immature to understand what a moderator is, he is one who offers to keep the forum in check, prevent any spammers & trouble maker to bring the forum down. in fact, he's doing all this for free, possibly passion? :???: but one thing for sure, moderators dont get paid for all this work.

and in case u are still stupidly puzzled over why your thread is being closed, the most possible case is that your topic has already been discussed to death in some threads. it's your own foolishness to refuse to read through the whole thread to understand what's going on. by creating so many clone threads, u are making it a pain for the rest of the forummers who are trying to sieve out information pertaining to a particular airline. here, the moderator is trying to "rearrange" the threads so that majority of us will have it easier, and there u are trying to create chaos. u know what, get the hell out of singapore expats. u are definitely not welcome here at all

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Post by singaporegrrl » Thu, 03 Apr 2008 1:40 pm

divine_genie wrote:i'm amused by fffff's post.. Sounds so much like ah beng/ah lian scolding someone.. So hokkien! So childish! So funny!

:lol: Now he/she is really quiet. Poor childish little boy/girl.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?

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