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what to do with a baby on the weekends?

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what to do with a baby on the weekends?

Post by lotsofchocs » Mon, 31 Mar 2008 1:11 pm

I hate the heat so the parks don't work for me and my husband on the weekends. But what can we do with our baby on the weekends? Seems like there is nothing else but to drag her to the shopping malls - and it is a nightmare with all the crowd. She is also only 6 months old - so i don't know what to do with her?!!

Awaiting your suggestions :)

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Post by Cicilia » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 12:34 am

Experience shared by all, at 6 months they appreciate anything and doesn't have to be park and outdoor, their world should be playing with mummy and daddy no matter where they are, stroller, shopping, etc.
I have to admit I take my girl everywhere shopping, travel, and sightseeing, anywhere since she was 6 weeks old.
What about some indoor playground, or those close to shopping centre where you can cool yourself down every now and then.
I use Baby Bjorn to let her face forward while travelling and
I think I use IKEA a lot to let her at least safely crawl on the beds at that age.

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Post by familyof5 » Tue, 01 Apr 2008 12:10 pm

if you want a break from the indoor play centres (there are a few around), both the zoo and the botanic gardens have a great water play area that is quite suitable for little ones. the zoo in particular is quite shady.

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children indoor playroom

Post by JeanelleJames » Thu, 10 Jul 2008 4:15 pm

You can try the indoor playroom and gym for kids at delta sports complex along alexandra road. Its near Ikea, a few traffic lights away. call 91912356 to check. Its good for kids from 6mths to 6 years old.

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Post by QRM » Thu, 10 Jul 2008 5:38 pm

Underwater world, or take a train/bus ride, boring for you but babies seem to like it. If you cant hack the crowds then take the hippo bus tours.

There are plenty of children puppet shows etc. around many for free just check out the local rags.

I know it feels like the end of the world but the kids grow up so quickly and as they do, your option of things to do changes with them.

Dont go on the Flyer, if baby suddenly decides he was not cut out for standing in what looks like a stationary glass tube you and all the other passengers are stuck with a balling baby for the entire trip.

Boat ride ? Surprisingly cool once you out on the water.

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