I see this thread all the time, but not often is it for a young person without many obligations.
Some facts about me:
* Moving from a large Australian city
* Single (well, have a girlfriend but I think we'll break up for when I come over to Singapore to live)
* No mortgages/very little credit card debt which I'll pay off before coming
* I drink and party on weekends
* Don't go out much to fancy places to eat (maybe once every 1-2 weeks)
* Don't mind sharing accommodation (i.e. sharing an apartment, but not sharing a room. I'd also prefer my own bathroom. Room should be big enough to fit and view a 32" LCD TV)
* Would like to travel a bit out of Singapore during my days of leave
How much do you think I should aim to get per year (including bonuses)?
I actually have a job already in mind, and I know what the salary would be, but I'd rather see what people's opinions are without them trying to fit a budget around the figure I give.
Thanks so much in advance