Greetings all,
My employer (a quickly-growing software company) has offered to send me to Singapore to establish and manage our first Asia-Pacific office (sales, customer service, and tech support focused). I very much enjoyed my ~1 week visit there, and my wife is thrilled at the prospect of living abroad for a year or two. Additionally, while they haven't shared specific details with me yet, my employer is going to be very generous when it comes to housing, transportation, tax equalization, paying to have my taxes done by a Big4 audit firm, etc... so that's all great.
However, my wife also has a career in high-tech, working as a product marketing manager for a large multi-national computer hardware vendor, and we'd hate to abandon her career there for the move. Needless to say, she is working angles internally at her company to see about opportunities to stay at the company and work in Singapore. This is potentially promising since she has weekly interactions with colleagues with her company in Singapore.
However, in the event that they aren't keen on her relocating, we may move quickly to a "PLAN B" which would involve her leaving her job here in the states and trying to find one in Singapore.
A few questions:
1. Is this even possible? -- for her to move to Singapore with me without a job, and find one once on the ground there?
2. Are there reputable headhunters? -- who specialize in high-tech? She'd like to target high-tech companies with APAC HQ or at least regional marketing operations in Singapore.
3. Where can I find concise lists of high-tech companies with regional HQ's in Singapore? -- I have contacts at the EDB, but don't want to use them just yet as that could get back to other people here at my company who don't yet know I've been offered the opportunity to head to Singapore.
I know that Dell, Alcatel-Lucent, VMWare, and Red Hat have significant APAC operations in Singapore, but am wondering how to go about helping her work on a Plan B.
My intuition is that people may be interetsed in a "local hire" type of arrangement which would be fine for us as my employer will be toting the note for the bulk of the expenses related to this adventure.
I've been reading these forums for a few days now but haven't found this particular horse to be beaten yet in these forums. Any thoughts or advice?
Many thanks,
A Native Texan