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running coach

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running coach

Post by henrysdad » Thu, 06 Mar 2008 3:32 pm

wanted to have just one or two sessions with a (low price) running coach, does anyone have a recommendation?

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Re: running coach

Post by ksl » Thu, 06 Mar 2008 10:47 pm

henrysdad wrote:wanted to have just one or two sessions with a (low price) running coach, does anyone have a recommendation?
what are you looking to achieve, general fitness, competition, short/long distance, endurance, mountain running, (Mount Faber :lol: ) a couple of sessions, of coaching is probably done in the classroom, diet & nutrician is very important, to make any improvements.

There are however important basics, that need to be understood by all runners, and that is pacing, many 20 year olds, that are out for a jog, and believe they can beat an old man like me, normally get, the shock of their lives, because running is about planning and strategies, so whe i break into a sprint, its because i have planned to do it, and i know, when to stop again....

This happens quite frequently when i am training alone, I over take people and they don't like to see an older man running past them, but it's not done intentionally by me to ovetake, it's the pace i set from the begining, the pace i am comfortable with 11km an hour, not fast by a long way....for many competitive runners.

But in my mind I know, i am training, those i over take, believe a am racing them, that's their big mistakes, because they fail, when they sprint, when i sprint, i know i will slow down after 100meters, they have just sprinted until shattered, so I just jog past them again to complete my planned training run.

For me I keep my heart at below my max heart beat of 163 in accordance with my age, I will reach my max in a sprint and my recover rate is very good, with the heart dropping to below 125 within 30 seconds
at 11km per hour my hear trate is around 140 to 145 depending on the incline.

I've been running now, for 40 years, and have a 3 month break every year, although I have slowed down considerably, with age, wear & tear, I still love and hate it, obviously mental conditioning is a major factor in any sport, and having the self discipline, to keep it going, is a challenge worth taking, from a healthy life style point of view.

Although I have been advised to stop, because of heavy wear & tear in the knees, since 2000, I have two damaged cartilages, and get alot of fluid in the knees, but i can still run through the pain, if i have the operation, i may never run again. So I do more swimming and just a little running these days.

Until I get back to Taiwan, than its back to running Yang Ming Shan Mountain, 3000 meters, the best challenge of mind discipline ever, its 8km of hill to starbucks with no flat at all, and 16km down the otherside, back through the town, that really does improve the lungs and heart.

....All you need to know can be discussed, here in the forum, the actual motivation of running is in your own mind.

But experience and fitness level is very important, to know! Before one can improve you for endurance and speed training.

It's always good to discuss openly, because many different idea's can be
analysed and tested, it is also free!

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Re: running coach

Post by lifestyle2045 » Mon, 10 Mar 2008 6:11 pm

henrysdad wrote:wanted to have just one or two sessions with a (low price) running coach, does anyone have a recommendation?

I'm 26, female, from Europe.
I run for about 5 years now. I did some half marathons, however most of the time I just run for fun.
I'm a physiotherapist, so I know a lot about training and I also can give you a lot of information about nutrition, the best equipment and so on.
However I'm not a pro.

I would love to discuss about running.
So I don't know if you just want to get started or want to perform better?

If you want to meet for a chat, just let me know.
I haven't started working yet so I have a lot of time during the day. Monday to Thursday evening would also be possible.

Bye, l.

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Joined: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 1:43 pm

Post by masha » Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:47 pm

Normally i am not very sportif person. i can only swim and novadays i am doing hot yoga for 5 month. I would like to learn to run also. any advice ?

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