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by ksl » Wed, 30 Apr 2008 2:10 pm
The universe and the black hole exsist, the planets are within a well balanced axis, and any damage caused to the mixture of gases or planets earths ionosphere will have corrective answers, were there is a cause, there will be an effect...
There is no doubt something called god in my mind, although I don't see any connection to religion. We have been bestowed with brains, that think, although some better than others, so evolution is more about standing on your own two feet, rather than following some idealistic theory of a religous god.
We know humanity is better than war and killing, although the creators of war, are still genetically evolving and adapting to calls of humanity.
The power of religion is to empower the mind, body and soul, for a purpose, of political idealogies, no less, that is why confrontation exsists in my opinion, if all, embraced humanity and one religion, life would be more bareable, however, the world would explode with over population and cause and effects would be implemented, to eradicate life.
Life must be balanced I guess, so there will always be work to do, to improve humanity and love.
The problem i see, with many Countries, like the US, UK, is without doubt unequal, the power is held, and not shared with its people, they call it democracy, religions help, to keep it all in place especially the power over the people. This in my opinion is why so much confrontation exsists between Countries, the less wealthy ones, have always been exploited in one way or another, and even the locals of super powers, are kept in place, by the powers of the leaders.
Politics are shared, between one party or a few, and if they don't play the game, they will be squashed. Having faith is a natural thought process, for a better life, although we are conned into that belief.
In reality on must just have faith in oneself, to live the life, in a good way, otherwise, the cause and effect, will eventually punish you. Even innocent people have condemed to a life of misery, or framed for something they have never done, having faith in oneself, is the most important of all, I seldom have faith in religion, but i have faith in god, becuase god is myself, I am apart of the universe, no matter how small.
The billions of humans have an effect on the planet through industry, and the planet, well repay, the humans back with a reminder, that you must look after the planet,or the god will be very angry! We live in perfect harmony within the solar system, which god created, maybe with a big bang, however, things evolved into life.
There is a great deal more to life, than just working 12 hours a day, for money, although we all need, money, for some its never enough.
So humans get locked into their own little cycles, not noticing what else is happening in the world, they discover nothing about living, about the birds and the bees, nature, the beauty of animals, birds, and everything else, that surrounds us.
I notice it more in Asia, because people are focussed on work, and exploitation of others, to get power, wealth, without giving back to the people. Its kind of like governments holding a carrot, infront of your face, but you will never be equal to those in control.
One reason why I have faith in myself to survive, but not in my Country, to provide for me. Just my opinion, although my mind is kept open!