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by ffsgrelier » Sun, 02 Mar 2008 8:14 pm
Hi Eoin
How is the craic ?
I believe ireland has had some awful weather this week, my sister is in Sligo and she was stuck in a lot with storms and what now.
Storms do happen very regularly in sg but they do not tend to last as long as in ireland.
I have relocated from London with my family in april 2007 while i was over 7 months pregnant. I had had 2 previous kids in the uk . It was not Ireland so cannot compare really if only by other people's stories but Sg has a fantastic healthcare system in place if you can afford a good cover, you should have no worries. You have plenty of private hospitals to choose from, all very clean and well run, it depends on where you live and where your preferred obgyn works. The choice of obgyn is nearly too much but you can get quite a lot of info from previous threads ( that's what i did before coming).A lot of names were recommended to me but depending on the stage of pregnancy , a few may not want to take you on. I chose someone who was really laid back and relaxed about what i wanted to happen, not too interventionist which is something a lot of westerners complain about. The cost varies quite a bit depending on the type of labour you end up having but you cannot always plan those things.
Singapore is a great place to live in , safe, friendly people,small, easy life. I consider it a fantastic experience even with 3 kids and a hubby who works a lot more than in the uk ( 15 hours /day is the norm for him since he has arrived)
As for your question re childcare, the most financially viable is to get a full time helper who lives in your place. The advantage are multiple, all the household chores are taken care of, meals ready for you , babysitter on the go without much notice but most of all, someone you can actually train to look after your kids like you and thus can trust that little bit more.
The irish community is present, our kids have started to play gaelic football with the gaelic singapore lions. There is the st patrick society that organise a few things like the annual ball next week.
Hope this message helps. If you have any other questions , feel free to contact me.
take care and good luck