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by Minou88 » Mon, 03 Mar 2008 12:45 am
Hello cbavasi,
I hope you don't mind me contacting you. I read one of your posts on giving birth in Singapore and it struck a chord with me.
I'm currently living in London but am due to move to Singapore with my partner in about 2 months.
This is a surprise for me (I've lived in SIN before but know no doctors there). I'm quite scared as I had it all mapped out here in London: St. Mary's, private elective c-section by Mr. Teoh in the Lindo Wing.
Now that we're moving all that has crumbled to dust and I don't know how to find a surgeon for a c-section in Singapore.
I know I'll sound extremely selfish and what else but I'm scared of the birth and want a really top doctor to operate on me. I want a small c-section wound like my Mum and none of that keloid scarring that I've seen on friends.
You sounded so experienced, maybe you can point me into the right direction and recommend doctors and tell about your experiences or what friends say.
Again, I'm sorry for accosting you like this, I'm just desperate and haven't got any response to my post in the forum yet.
Thanks so much!!