What Singapore needs more is forces configured to anti-terror, security and protection of trade routes (anti piracy) as well as to continue its diplomacy as it has always done which is to make the threat more real than the actual forces behind it. Singapore has had good successes dealing with its local terror incidents, as well as Piracy in the straights and its been often a case of Co-operation not going it alone, few if any states these days can hold their ground in the face of an opponent that can easily transcend borders.
The military is a community as much as any other but its differences are often mistaken by its members as strengths, and we all know what happens when militaries start assuming they know better than everyone else.
I hope these comments dont upset you, just expressing my opinion like yourself but if your irked by my comments then you know how I felt by reading yours about me, dont go insulting people if you dont want some in return.
Why should I be irked? This is the reply one expects, when dealing with attitude, and if everyone had your attitude, who would be left, to deal, with the problems you have just been writing about, it really does appear, that you have tied yourself in knots, you have mentioned, what you think Singapore, should be doing, although you are still adamant about NS...
The military is a community as much as any other but its differences are often mistaken by its members as strengths, and we all know what happens when militaries start assuming they know better than everyone else
I guess you are relieved to get all that off your chest, unfortunately, I have lived with terrorism since my 18th birthday, and yes i do consider myself, rather advanced in the knowledge of terrorism, having closely been working with many refugees from around the world.
But i can tell you one, thing it's not about bravado, no one likes war, at all, or even the thought of war. and you are quite right that military life can have a bad psychological effect on people.
Many have and do suffer the traumas, for the rest of their lives, especially if you have been in a combat zone, and also if one is bullied, while in the service.
But I can guarantee one thing in my life, no matter which Country i lived in, I would be willing to serve in NS, if that was the requirement and I wouldn't dream of avoiding it.
My post wasn't intentionally insulting, it was based on my own sons, background, when all he wanted to do, was join the Army, at the age of 16, I tried my best, to discourage him, because his service would not start until the age of 18.
But I also knew, he wouldn't last, self discipline, was lacking!
Now what i do know, having been employed on both sides of the fence, is that leadership skills, discipline, initiative, man management, organisation, is quite a commodity that is encouraged, and hopefully they all learn from the experience, many of the skills taught, in the military, would not be taught in civillian life, and are therefor skills of relevance.
I knew, that my own son couldn't stick it out, especially in the uniit, he was being sent to, so by the time he was 19, he had already decided he wanted out...although his contract didn't start until 18 until he was 21.
So you see, I can see both sides of the coin, although our British Army is voluntary and not NS, although I would say my son wasn't even mature enough, to know what he wanted, at the age of 16 or 18....he just wanted to be like his father....which to me, was an identity crisis, he was going through, having never been raised, by me.
Although he gave it a go, and I supported him, all the way, even when he disliked it, and he did a runner, I explained the consequence, would be prison.
What else can you do, he has to face the music, and your son would too, my point is, that for all you do for your son, doesn't make it right. far from it...it is up to your son to decide. There is a duty to do, and that's that.
Otherwise stay well away from Singapore. It appears that your rant may have even helped you let off steam by the looks of the post, maybe you were also bullied in those 4 years too...
I have seen my fair share of bullying in my Army life, and I have never ever tolerated it, even from a Sgt Major, in my younger day, when he started prodding his finger into my shoulder, I was busted down in rank a few times, life is like that, up and down, although i am never down for long.
It's called survival, i personally couldn't care of any military rank, I show respect, i expect respect in return, it's that simple, but i would never bang my head against the wall, because you can never beat the system, you have to play the game, that's what they like, the game is important, to the structure of society. So it's yes sir yes sir 3 bags full sir!
I do believe you made several point's that i firmly disagree with, although it's really not a discussion, one can have..so what's the point!
The Psychological Defence of Total Defence rests upon the people's pride, patriotism and loyalty to the country, and their commitment to it and its defence in time of crisis.