English isnt your first language is it, that or you are really pi$$ed off, or a lawyer, just a tad too much verbiage and not quite making sense, although I get the gist off it.icyblue wrote:Hi Primitovo
I dont quite understand you and your son does not care about singapore, you wrote as such in your own words,
Neither you are interested in singapore nor your son.
Now after US greencard neither you nor your son needs singapore
(your words project as such)
So now such that you dont want to be associated with Singapore what is the big deal for you? why should you bother, you can just write whatever you want to singapore authorities and do nothing.
Why dont you and your son forget about singapore totally.
Right now there is nothing they can do to you. So what is your problem
this i dont understand.
Offcourse not to mention directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, one way or the other you have used singapore Passport for you and your son - isnt it!! So what price should you think you have to pay for it ??
just a thought.
best regards
Wonder if you'd do better if you got the gist of it?although I get the gist off it.
Damm that auto correct feature, must turn it off.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Forks, come on man. She and her son are Singaporeans. Therefore Singlish is their first or second language *ducks from flying brickbats*![]()
Wonder if you'd do better if you got the gist of it?although I get the gist off it.
Hoist by thy own petard methinks? Happens to me all the time as well. And I usually end up with egg on my face too!
Best laugh I have had all day, touche!icyblue wrote:TO Croooked...Fork..
Yes ur right english is not my first language and iam not ashamed of it like you!!!
I bet you feel very inferior that english is not your first language.. ..
If not you will concentrate on the subject matter in the contrxt i wrote instead of showing your stupidity...
Well in forum it is not necessarily to be grammatically correct however as much as possible we can take effort to write in proper english,, but some times in our fast forward world were got time.. unless some one is like FORK wasting all the time looking to correct others..
Your words are similar to the Crooked Forks which explains your mannerisim and mind set. Either you need a beautiful girlfriend in your life to keep you happy for the thing you miss or you are born like this by nature.
and as sundaymorningstaple pointed to you? are you any better in english? coward complains on the auto-correct feature unnecessarily.
People like you (FORK) just wait to see other peoples mistakes when they themselfs have nothing worthwhile to contribute to their family or society.
bye bye Forkie .... fork your social language first, before forking others.
with respect .. (dont misunderstand fork excluding you..)
Fork dont loose your temper, keep cool if you are man enough, if you admit you are a adolescent kid,, then no complains,, there are many more years for you to grow up!!!!
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