I'd probably take a good look at National public school (the one from Bangalore) - they have a very good reputation in India. My child was in GIIS (ex-Bhavans) from Kindergarten-1 till last year, after which we moved to a local school near home for several reasons - we were not happy with how well the teachers were trained, and the level of professionalism they exhibited, among other reasons which I will not write about here. Oh, and there's the fees - for that amount, I'd expect something that's at least half as good as UWC or OFS in terms of the facilities, teaching staff and curriculum.savera wrote:I am relocating to Singapore and would want my children to study in an Indian School. I have learnt that there are three options : GIIS, DPS and a new Bangalore based school.
Can anyone give me advice on which would be the best or the pros and cons of each.
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