sundaymorningstaple wrote:chixchix wrote:when is Mother 's Day in SG ????

It's the 2nd Sunday in May. It is the same as the US holiday where it originated.
For Americans yes! Although I would suggest the idea stems from the Mothering sudays which is sourced has far back as 1854, suggests it originated some place in UK or Ireland, with it being a catholic tradition, i would probably believe it to be traced back, to Rome..
Although wikipedia is very interesting website, it is still open source and questionable, I became suspicious more than once of what is quoted in wikipedia, and challenged several authors, to prove their statements, of which they cannot....I have also claimed, that if they cannot produce facts, then they could suggest it is an opinionated, statement.
I'm glad SMS wrote what he did, otherwise i would have never mentioned wikipedia.....So I would suggest trying to validate all, information, with supporting data.
What made me question the above, was the term lent, which obviously expresses, the American terminology and therefor an American author of the information submitted to wikipedia.
At this time I have not backed up my own suspicions, although it is noted, that mothering sunday was first sourced back to 1854