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Post by jiahuipiggy » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 4:58 pm

hmmm... it's just getting complicated suddenly.

i think the best is if you are being called up by them to go for interview and got in, read the policy that they will request you to sign... and i think it will solve the answer... got doubts just ask them ba...


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Post by Plavt » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 5:22 pm

aWleSs wrote:
Believe what you will, I am only here to clarify what doubts those applying for the position may have.

And for those of you who don't get what I mean, I shall rephrase.
What I meant was that after the first 6 months (training period inclusive) aka the probation period, you will get a review. As the UK law is so pro human rights, no one can say anything if you're ask to leave after this 6 months due to performance issues right?

Now does that make a little more sense to you?

Put your brain in gear will you aWleSs what you are talking about is a periodic review which is nothing unusual. The whole point of the yearly contract is it makes an employees time with the airline probationary and as stated they may terminate an individual at any time during that period should they wish or have reason to do so! Nothing complicated about that.

Not a case of me 'believing what I will' I live in the UK and my last employer London Underground operates exactly the same way! I think you need to improve on your written English hence my not infrequent rants about people's English. I thought this was what you were trying to say........... :roll:
Last edited by Plavt on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by aWleSs » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 6:57 pm

How absolutely rude!

In the first place there's doubt when I mentioned the 6 months probation, which was referred to as "not making sense" / "fictitious" when a temporary 1 year contract is being offered. And now there is the question of whether my brain is in gear.

Maybe you are the only one not understanding what I'm trying to say here with your perfect Brit slang, pardon my poor local Singlish then.

I shall not say anymore in order to prove my point. Whether or not my words are true will be proved once one of you attend the interview and find out for yourselves.
If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 7:25 pm

In case you never noticed I asked you two questions which gave you the benefit of the doubt which you chose to ignore hence my remark. :shock: Had you stated your sources that would have helped instead you merely 'parotted' what you said before.

I understand perfectly well what you are trying to say but it does not make sense to have probationary period within what is effectively a probationary period.

Definition of Probation: A period during which somebody’s suitability for a job or other role is being tested

That statement is attributable to the whole year - the whole contract.
Last edited by Plavt on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by udunowhoim » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 8:34 pm

aWleSs wrote:How absolutely rude!

In the first place there's doubt when I mentioned the 6 months probation, which was referred to as "not making sense" / "fictitious" when a temporary 1 year contract is being offered. And now there is the question of whether my brain is in gear.

Maybe you are the only one not understanding what I'm trying to say here with your perfect Brit slang, pardon my poor local Singlish then.

I shall not say anymore in order to prove my point. Whether or not my words are true will be proved once one of you attend the interview and find out for yourselves.
*silence is golden* :cool:

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 8:54 pm

udunowhoim wrote:
*silence is golden* :cool:
Naughty........ [-X :lol:

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Post by flyaway » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:36 pm

aWleSs is right. Plavt, as much as you're trying to help here you do not fully understand the employment terms of an overseas crew base such as BA's. What you've highlighted without doubt are general terms of UK employment.

The probationary period is 6 months even though this is a one-year temporary contract (renewable up to three years). Upon satisfactory performance the SG crew receives her wing at 6 months as per all BA crew, and towards the end of the contract there will be an appriasal - for the purpose of another year's contract renewed.

There's no need to put down specifics for your reference in order to prove the source of our knowledge, neither do others ask of you. Some of us been through the interview in Singapore, met with the interviewers, know people working in the BA's Singapore base.

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:51 pm

flyaway wrote:aWleSs is right. Plavt, as much as you're trying to help here you do not fully understand the employment terms of an overseas crew base such as BA's. What you've highlighted without doubt are general terms of UK employment.
Interesting you should say this as I was talking to a member of the cabin crew union here in the UK and he tells me there would be no difference between the contract the cabin crew here receive and those over seas as that would be discrimination and in violation of UK law where the airline has its base. Therefore the conditions overseas for BA crew are or should be the same. Furthermore I was told the so-called probationary period does not exist. Therefore what I have highlighted are not general terms although reviews may be carried out at the discretion of the company.
There's no need to put down specifics for your reference in order to prove the source of our knowledge,.
Why not? Anybody can say anything on a forum nobody has to believe it!
Had he responded to the two questions instead of ignoring them I could have asked myself. :( However, I acknowledge what may have happened is an local interpretation of a procedure used by the airline which has been interpreted as probation. As I said earlier the fact it is a temporary contract makes the whole year probationary.

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Post by flyaway » Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:58 pm

Thanks to Plavt and the 'member of the cabin crew union there in UK' for taking such great interest. I too have spoken to the interviewers and employee of the BA SG base.

Anyway those interested in the position with BA based in SG, lighten up. Once recruited, you will be confirmed upon 6 mths' satifactory service with possibility of receiving another year's contract.

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Post by Plavt » Wed, 05 Mar 2008 12:24 am

flyaway wrote:Thanks to Plavt and the 'member of the cabin crew union there in UK' for taking such great interest. I too have spoken to the interviewers and employee of the BA SG base.
Try reading my post above and the PM I sent you instead of merely trying to force your own point (you seem to have great difficulty in comprehending English). I do not believe your claim you have spoken to the interviewers and BA employees in Singapore since half the posters here can't even find the advert. :P

Since posting the above I have again spoken to the union rep who says the following: "Mickey Mouse, does not exist!" Therefore if certain posters want to make vacuous, ridiculous and uniformed posts that is up to them!

By the way do PM me if anybody wants the telephone number you can then hear it from 'the horse's mouth!'

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Post by pamie » Wed, 05 Mar 2008 1:21 pm

anyone else sent their resumes in yet? :) goin to post out mine later..

wonder if they will take me as i am finishing up my studies in june..

and i sending in with my soon to be expired passport's photocopy :( hope they dun mind...
~ pamie pamie pamie ~

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Post by jiahuipiggy » Wed, 05 Mar 2008 2:28 pm


i send in liao.... like last week... quick send........ ltr deadline liao....

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Post by pamie » Wed, 05 Mar 2008 2:43 pm

jiahuipiggy wrote:hi,

i send in liao.... like last week... quick send........ ltr deadline liao....
yeppies.. rushin off to post office now.. :D rather to photocopy my stuff that i lack too :D
~ pamie pamie pamie ~

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Post by Hoping_To_Be » Wed, 05 Mar 2008 3:29 pm

My friend is a current BA Singapore-based crew. And from what I understand from her, the 6 months probation period does exist. Please do not ask me why this is so but it seems to be the way it is even though the initial contract that they offer is a 1 year temp one. It is indeed quite similar to what Flyaway has mentioned.

I am guessing Awless might have her own reason for not wanting to quote her source. BA's base in Sg is pretty small, word spread like wildfire and things can backfire when the wrong things are said.

People always say that Singaporeans are reserve, even to the extend of being cowardly. Yet when someone does speak up, we're being told that Silence Is Golden. What an irony.

The point of having this forum is to help each other, let's be amicable and treat one another with respect.

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Post by Plavt » Wed, 05 Mar 2008 4:40 pm

Hoping_To_Be wrote: The point of having this forum is to help each other, let's be amicable and treat one another with respect.
Then trying listening to facts instead of hearsay and myths. :wink:

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