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Window's cleaning

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Window's cleaning

Post by mits » Thu, 14 Feb 2008 8:35 pm

Hi everyone! Could somebody advise me how in SIngapore are being washed windows from outside? We are living on the 20th floor and soon we have to move out from our current appartment and hand over this one to the landlord. So I'm wondering what to do with windows cleaning from outside - when we lived in Canada, at condo as well we had once per year cleaning service managed by our building management but so far during almost 2 years we are staying here I didnt see any windows cleaning procedure at our condo. As we live so high I don't want to do it by my self, but when the landlord will come to hand over apartment he will point to dirty windows for sure....

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Post by ksl » Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:18 pm

Was the windows cleaned specifically to you moving in? If Not, why should you clean them?

Give him 20$ and tell him to clean them himself, if it makes you feel better! Surely they swivel all the way round, for cleaning?

:???: I suppose, that's what you call good design in Singapore, if one can't clean the windows :(

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Post by durain » Fri, 15 Feb 2008 1:21 am

ksl wrote: Give him 20$ and tell him to clean them himself,
then he will give the maid S$10 and ask her to clean it! :P

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Post by mits » Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:36 am

Well... I dont know did previous tenants wash the windows from outside or not, but I'm sure they were cleaner then now - within 2 years time they suppose to get dirty, isn't it? :)

Does it mean that nobody here care about windows cleaness from out side? :roll:

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Post by ksl » Sat, 16 Feb 2008 10:36 pm

mits wrote:Well... I dont know did previous tenants wash the windows from outside or not, but I'm sure they were cleaner then now - within 2 years time they suppose to get dirty, isn't it? :)

Does it mean that nobody here care about windows cleaness from out side? :roll:
Lets put it another way, if it isn't noted in the contract, that the tenant is duly reponsible for the outside maintenance of the property, than it cannot be expected, that the tenant cleans the windows, or is responible for the cleaning. It is the landlords property,

It must specifically say, you have the responsibility of the outside maintenance as far has i am concerned, of course in 2 years of living there they are bound to get dirty, not your proplem, you have been the one living with dirty windows. Besides the monsoon rain, surely gives them a good wash, too! You could clean them one day, and they would be dirty again, within a week or two.

Many people clean windows once a month! but on the 29th floor is another matter, and probably the responsibility of the condo maintenance, or management department, the up keep of the property must be in the rental fees in my opinion.

It is not your problem, don't worry about it, besides many landlord, hate to pay deposits back anyway, so your going to have your work cut out anyway to get your money back. But good luck

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Post by mits » Sun, 17 Feb 2008 9:38 am

Thanks! Now at least I know that my worries are unnecessary - in the contract there isn't noted that the tenant is responsible for outside maintenance. So it's not my problem but deal with property management company about cleaning from out side.
Will wait end of the contract and then let's see what surprises we will have regarding deposit. :wink:

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