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Will I need to bring a buggy for my 4 year old?

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55 north
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Will I need to bring a buggy for my 4 year old?

Post by 55 north » Sun, 03 Feb 2008 6:46 am

Hi we are hoping to relocate in the next few months, and having a major clear out(long overdue!!!) in preparation for the move.
What I want to know is - will my 4 year old need her buggy? - which she hasn't used that much lately, only on holiday last summer when it was hot. I'm just worried about the heat going for her and being stuck indoors in air conditioned malls all the time. I'm not sure if she will say she's too big for it but don't know whether to play it safe? Help!
As for the clearout - I'm sure she has noticed me sneaking baby toys out, as she keeps playing with things that haven't seen the light of day in months!! Car boot sale as soon as the weather is better here!
Thanks for your help

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Post by durain » Sun, 03 Feb 2008 9:01 am

for a 4 year old, probably not.

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Push chair

Post by Thaiclan » Sun, 03 Feb 2008 9:49 pm

By age 4 she is at least 12 months past using a chair - if not 2 years! Why are you "sneaking" toys out to discard? Why not try letting her in on the process. It will serve her well as she gets older to learn to not attach so much to things. Donate the things WITH HER to a charity, she can help pick out the ones she's ready to give up. :)

55 north
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Post by 55 north » Mon, 04 Feb 2008 2:36 am

Thanks for your replies guys - to be honest she hasn't been in a pushchair much in the last 2 years, only if she is very tired or very hot - and Singapore is a lot hotter than the north east of england! As for my sneaky clear out - its because I've never got rid of anything in 6 years - my fault I know, but as I childmind 3 children under 3 at the moment I was sure I needed every baby toy I ever owned. 6 boxes to the charity shop later (of toys from the loft!) and no-one is any the wiser. She will help to do her own stuff in time - at least polly pocket and playmobil pieces are smaller to pack!
(I think the buggy is my comforter as much as hers- admitting she's grown up and leaving all the baby things in the UK isn't going to be easy!)

Maccas Mum
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Do I bring a buggy

Post by Maccas Mum » Tue, 19 Feb 2008 2:07 am

I would bring it. You can always donate it here to a charity. We have been here a month and my four year old finds it very hard walking everywhere. It is a big thing to move them and then expect them to walk around in high humidity. B

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