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MMI at Claymore

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MMI at Claymore

Post by beemum » Wed, 30 Jan 2008 7:41 pm

Hi, can anyone has any comments on this preschool? I'm looking for a good preschool for 3 years old son. Thanks

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Joined: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 8:36 am

Post by cbavasi » Fri, 01 Feb 2008 7:24 am

have you been to visit? my son went there for 9 months and was very happy. i do think it's more crowded than when he started - but he was really into the montessori tools they used especially the number rods and spindle box - and they give you feedback every day in a little book they send home which both my husband and i really liked. there is a gym upstairs for when it rains and the teachers are all very nice. they do outings about every 2 months (parents can go) and they do offer some after school activities like swimming and computer. they also take every childs temperature at the gate so no child is let in with a fever or apparent illness.
my one concern that always really bothered me was having to leave the child at the gate and not being able to settle him in the classroom. that being said, when i brought that up to the teacher she did say if he was really unsettled i could go up.
the best thing to do is go to visit while the kids are upstairs during the session to see if it's something you'd like your child to attend. i still have friends who send their kids there and are very happy. hope this helps!

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