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Internet Marketing

Post by ksl » Wed, 30 Jan 2008 3:11 pm

I was taken aback, when Luxiana suggested my internet marketing was out dated.

I decided to do some checking, and recently discovered, that google add words, are in fact, based on my method of internet marketing, that I started self study, in 2000.

Luxiana, appears to have misunderstand, the term internet marketing, so I thought I would, explain what little I know....

I am self taught, in SEO and the important, part of a website, is still in fact Meta Tags, and how you apply them, although each search engine as its, own criteria, which must be checked. Although many believe not.

I will simply explain, that you either pay for Google Add words, or anyother marketing ploy, because of the smoke screen which is put out, by marketeers, to pay for their product.

When in actual fact all, you do need, is still like Luxiana, thought, old hat, out dated meta tags.

By chosing your domain, very carefully, and planning, the key words, and description, one can be confident, your in with a chance of being found.

I myself haven't spent a penny on internet exposure, and my website is averaging 7.5 million hits every 3 month, which also surprised me, because I didn't know until I checked it with

I think 7.5 mil, isn't bad, for a novice, self taught internet marketeer, of which my website has been up for a little over 2 years now.

To remain in the top 20, one must renew, the SEO every month, and Luxiana is quite right to say, all search engine have different criteria of listing, some SE in fact you have to pay to be listed, although I don't bother...

I just wanted to mention that most add words offered by google and others, are no different, to putting them in your own website, although the true importance lies, with the domain choice, if at all possible, you chose a domain close to the activity you are doing, and do not chose a name, that is totally irrelavant for the website, like your own name.

Like I say, I'm no expert in this field of marketing, but I am very happy with my effort, to produce results, we get more enquires, and sales, each week, which reenforces my conviction, that I am doing the right thing, until something better comes along.

Most websites I visit, I always, check the source coding, to lean and see, what is going on behind the scenes, It is also a must to read all the SE submission criteria, to adopt, the website submission form, to the criteria laid down, by the SE.

It also pay's, to exchange banners or links, with websites, that can complement, your own, but one must be careful of being spammed too, so chose websites carefully, and check that they have significant exposure, in your area.

With 7.5 million on average every 3 months, I can now also look for websites, in the health & wellness sector, that do not carry my product line, and request, that we compliment eachothers website, by placing a small banner or improve marketing exposure....

I would also like to thank especially, all the people that support my website, and say, that if it wasn't for them, visiting, and passing information on to their friends, that I wouldn't have the exposure at all, so i genuinely thank you all.

So my point is, to be really just dedicated and passionate, about what you do, and believe in what you have, to be the best on the market, I know myself, that this is very important for myself, to be honest, with a high quality code of practice in ethics, dedicated, in finding the best products for the job in hand, at a very reasonable price...

The problem with all health & wellness, is in the quality of the research available, and a 3rd party evaluation, by organisations, that do not have a conflict of interest.

I am satisfied, that I do my best for all, by remaining faithful, to my code of practice and ethics and will ensure my best possible attention on a product, so that my customers get a quality tasting product, hopefully with the benefits, that I have recieved in terms of health.

Internet marketing works "The Internet Marketing Book for Dummies,"helped me out in a big way, patience and commitment is the key to success in many ways!

Hope that clears up, some misunderstandings in internet marketing terms

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Joined: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 12:33 am

Post by rihhana_taylor » Thu, 21 Feb 2008 2:24 am

Internet marketing refers to the strategies that are used to market a product or service online, marketing strategies that include search engine optimization and search engine submission, copywriting that encourages site visitors to take action, web site design strategies, online promotions, reciprocal linking, and email marketing – and that’s just hitting the highlights.

Online marketers are constantly devising new Internet marketing strategies in the hopes of driving more traffic to their Web sites and making more sales; witness the increasing use of blogs as marketing tools for business

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