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Distance Learning

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Distance Learning

Post by Asdracles » Tue, 29 Jan 2008 10:47 pm

Im interested in knowing if local universities allow any kind of distance learning.

Im not talking about extra courses, or so, but about degrees. Also about the conditions for entering.

Because my work, I have a chaotic schedule, with lot of free time, but different day to day, so present lessons would be difficult to follow.

Im 30 now, and I completed 80% of physics degree in Spain, dont know if there will be any chance to join any local university and "continue" studies (they can passed you some subjects if you can proof that you have passed a similar one in your university in all places i know, but dont know SG), or even starting something serious.

My plan was finish my degree when back to Spain, but I guess I would be too lazy in some years after not studying for so long.


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Post by jaw » Wed, 30 Jan 2008 11:23 am

With my limited knowledge, do a search on NUS, with Physics as your major, I think only National university of Singapore (NUS) offer this. So i suggest you write in to them, as your case is unique, I would think it's best for them to deal with you separately. I believe if you can prove that you have taken this subject and NUS endorsed the syllabus, they maybe able to exempt you and work on a shorter path to graduation.

good luck!

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