I had an implant surgery a week ago. During the surgery I felt a sudden sharp pain and almost flew out of the chair.
The next day I realized my left chin and lower lip were totally numbed. Contacted the clinic asking for an official report. At this point only one thing I knew was that there was no informed consent prior to the surgery.
Went to see another dentist for a second opinion. Dental Ct scan was taken and it indicated that the implant was breaching the inferior nerve. I was told that there was no treatment. You have to just wait for the nerve regenerates itself.
Informed the dentist and told him to remove the implant right away to prevent further damage and increase the chance of recovery.
Implant was removed by the director of the clinic. After the sugery I was changing some gauze in my mouth, I discovered a sharp broken metallic object (about 5mm x 2mm) left behind from the surgery! Called the clinic and told the incident but they said they couldn't identify any broken item in the operation room.
I asked for full deposit return and requested them to bear all the cost to treat the nerve dysfuntion. But they have kind of refused my request.
Now I want to make a complaint to Singapore Dental Council. Does any one know how long it takes to solve the issue? Or should I just press charge againt them althoug it's really a time consuming? (as an expat, you never know when you will be relocated.) Please advice!