I am not anti intervention - only when it is used as a standard of care. Women always have choices, they just don't know they have any.
I met one women who told me that at 3 months she was told she would have a cesarean as she was 'too small' to have a natural birth. Women are not told they have options and hesitate to seek a second opinion. If baby is breech do you think a doctor uncomfortable with vaginal breech births is going to offer to the mum that there are doctors who will? Or that they can try hypnosis, reflexology or the webster technique with a qualified chiropractor? Most likely not, only that they must have a cesarean.
Women have been denied that their bodies are designed to give birth, they read stories everywhere that are fraught with drama and fear, see it on TV and hear it from their friends, mothers - everywhere they turn. If you look at the history of birth, it was not always so fearful, painful and full of medical interventions. Historians note that Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote not of pain in birth, but of women labouring. It was only when women were denied medical care and the knowledge that surrounded natural birth was taken away that fear was instilled and birth became painful. With this fear and pain came the need for pain relief and the drugs used were dangerous to use at home, so birth was moved into hosptials. Once moved into hospitals, birth became a medicalised event - and tadah! Here we are today - with unneccessary interventions. Don't get me wrong, there are times when medical intervention is necessary and thank God we have it then. But moms, please, ask what your doctors cesarean rate is. If you are not looking for a cesarean, change if the % is higher than 12- 15%.
And no one seems to consider what type of birth their baby might want? Take a look at
www.whatbabieswant.com for an understanding of the consciousness of infants - right from the start.