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only sq or nothing at all???

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Post by missyglen » Mon, 21 Jan 2008 3:23 am

Totally agree. I guess emirates has a higher standard and their interviews ain't easy so if you've made it, you really gotta reward yourself!

I believe SQ is so popular coz it's the local airline ya?..diff airlines look for diff criteria anyway.!

Just like me, i tried SIA but i didn't make it at the finals but eventually got in emirates for the first try! So, whatever airline it is, i guess passion for this job is impt!

theknees wrote:
durain wrote:SQ does set the standard higher and this is reflected by their inflight service. but one must not feel they are second best just because they cant get into SQ.
i don't think this is true anymore. if you said it 5 years ago i would agree definitely. but now, things have changed, for example, the height requirement has dropped, the number of interview stages have dropped. if you look at some of the older stewardesses and now, you'll see the difference.

i think Emirates has a high standard. it is so difficult to get through their interviews!

but i suppose you cannot compare airline to airline. each has its own criteria, some going for looks, some going for personality, etc.
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Post by durain » Mon, 21 Jan 2008 4:37 am

well done in getting into an airline career. yes, dont have to be SQ.

i dont think one airline will be more difficult to get in than another. of course some will be easy but they wont be the top airlines.

the main thing is, getting thru the interview, the training and then being a crew is one thing, maintaining that high standard is another because at the end of the day, the airline standard is measured by the passenger.

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Post by amie_1979 » Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:25 am

i can get up close and personal with this question. yes to certain extent i guess.

for me, i can never get into SIA (or other major airline) due to my short frame (major killer if you are less than 158cm) but i persist, i fight, i struggle for my dream for the piece of my sky. so i expand to USA carriers and currently i am the F/A with continental airline, i was interviewed in new jersey and though majority are non Asian, i learnt new culture and still get to serve on board and enjoy every bits of my in flight job.

i guess while one gets too stubborn with getting into SIA (of course go for it girls if you meet all the requirement, why not? afterall SIA is always voted as the best airline in the world) but not all are fortunate, like me, i am not qualified for my height so i looked real hard into airline which can accept my height and also i chose to compete on language - for USA carriers they need bilingual F/A esp they are expanding in Shanghai/Hongkong flight routes so i stand out in a way and plus my determination, i got in.

i previously posted on "height issue" as i don't understand why some girls are so fixated over the height when they are barred of their entry to top airline? there is boundless opportunities to fulfil ur dream and please don't let any obstacles stop you, if you really want something so badly, i dun believe any thing can stop you and stop swalling in self pity. c'mon girl, you can make it alright, just don't let ur insecurity stop you. what's more, the airline i am working now with allows F/A with shoe up to 3 inch so height is all the more compensated for.

girls, you are lucky alrite with SIA so close to our heart land, imagine the world at large, if they are non local, does it mean they have to be disheartened or deem their local airline as "ineffective"? every airline has their operating system, culture and unique batch mate, so learn to accept that and work your best - unless it sucks big time.

it is worth every effort joining airline if it's really your dream to serve on board. imagine i was on board with the oldest continental F/A (she's going retirement at 55 years) as her last serving route to Hongkong and we all cheer for her, the feeling is so great.

for the aspring F/A out there, go for your dream and don't let anything stop you. when you try hard and never give up, no airline will say no to you unless you say no to yourself first.

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only sq or nothing at all???

Post by chica86 » Wed, 23 Jan 2008 1:45 pm

Hi, I'm a newbie here..hope u guys don't mind..
just interested to drop some opinion..

Well, true if u look at the recruitment side, emirates is absolutely much tougher than sq. But everything has it's own pros and contras..

It's easier to get through sq interviews, but they make it tough for u
during the 4 months training..there's a lot to learn and it's a bit 'suffering' cos usually we can't wait to finish training so that we can fly as an official cabin crew, rite?

As for emirates, yes it is damn hard to get through their rigorous interview stages BUT worth it when the training will only take 5 weeks!
The emirates provide tax free salary and free accomodation but their salary despite higher than sq offers is actually almost the same..u can always save lots of money if u know how to manage the monthly financial.. :D
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Post by lizliz » Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:28 pm

for the aspring F/A out there, go for your dream and don't let anything stop you. when you try hard and never give up, no airline will say no to you unless you say no to yourself first.
I totally agree with what u said and thank you for giving me encouragement. Thanks a lot =)
May I know if you're still working for continental airlines? Where are u based in?

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Post by Plavt » Tue, 26 Feb 2008 11:04 pm

amie_1979 wrote: no airline will say no to you unless you say no to yourself first.
I don't quite agree, there is always a percentage of people who are perfectly suitable but will still get turned down for reasons of simple mathematics. Example: On one occasion SIA conducted a walk-in interview at which 479 potential applicants turned up of which only 82 were selected. At most interviews or when vacancies are advertised just about anywhere in the world the situation is the same. Taking the above situation 397 were turned away, I am in no doubt there would have been more than one of them who would have been perfectly suitable but employers cannot give to everybody so the way I see it, the situation becomes a 'lottery.'

This is the main reason for my not infrequent rants on here about people's English and application preparation; to have any chance you have to push yourself to high-standard to be able to compete and if you can display an exemplary interest and character. Some with persistence will ultimately succeed although for others much will depend on other factors in their lives.

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Post by amie_1979 » Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:34 am

Plavt: that’s why you see there is actually 2 parts to my statement you quoted “no airline will say no to you”

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Post by Plavt » Wed, 05 Mar 2008 7:14 am

[quote="amie_1979"]Plavt: that’s why you see there is actually 2 parts to my statement you quoted “no airline will say no to you”

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