First of all sprite, I didn't realize that you were the spokesman for ALL expats therefore your word is the final say. When you come on in the first paragraph as speaking for the majority of expats. I find that as an attack and not an opinion. It would seem that anytime I do not agree with you perceive it as an attack by me. Also I think it is telling if you think everything I say is "snarky". I was just putting forward possible reasons why the kids were pulled out of school as you didn't bother to validate your all encompassing statement.
Secondly, road.not.taken I am not dissing the International Schools at all, and I've said that before. I also said that I could have afforded International Schools as well had I though the choice was a correct one. I chose not to. I chose a viable alternative that proved to be just as good as any international school and as was admitted, also picked up a second language as well as the ability to switch to fluent Singlish if necessary (albeit a secondary benefit). If my kids are the 100% product of the local system, then it cannot be the school now can it. (I worked offshore for 2/3's of the time they were in school and my wife is local. The only tutoring my kids ever had was in Mandarin (well one had a bit of Math as well one year). One also had to admit that a big part of their children's education takes place on the streets away from schools.
AT NO TIME have I ever alluded to parents who send their kids to International Schools as being elitist or snobbish. I have just put forward that there is a viable alternative that some people look down on and put down without having ever thoroughly investigated the curriculum of the local school system of today. Instead, relying on anecdotal evidence of things well over a decade ago. I was also the first to note the previous shortcomings of the local system in the early years. But for one to say that an international school is hands down better than local school in this country I feel is a joke. Each has their strengths and weaknesses.
And yes, I did have to go back and spell out your nick in full as I somehow recalled you did not like the initials we often use.