hello all, hope you are well.
need about 30-40 big protective floor panels that lock together to cover my huge living room (with marble floor) as my babies are very active, keep falling down and bang their heads.
looked at toys'r'us but they charge quite a lot
is there another local place that i can buy kids protectors cheaper?
we are in the west area.
but can travel anywhere to pick them up as i am scared they will get seriously injured...
or maybe i can buy 2 cheap big carpets like 2.50 cm x 3.00 cm to do the job.
i looked at IKEA alexandra road, but they charge $350-$500 for a 2.30cmx 2.30cm...!
any advice would be highly appreciated..
we also thought of a big octagonal playpen but my boys will surely demolish it, as they are so hyper active and ..only 9 months old!
best regards theodoros from greece. [/b]